This wonderful map not only makes it easy to understand which are the world's most spoken languages, and how many people speak them, but will also show you which countries take up most of that population. So in a quick review, we gain enormous insight into what our "world of languages" looks like. Click Here or on the image to see the graph in its full size! |
These Borders Exist Longer Than the Countries They Divide
International borders are among the most rapidly changing geographical phenomena, but these borders 5 proved to be exceptionally persistent
These Fascinating Maps Might Change Your Worldview
Who says maps are boring? These wonderfully unique maps will change the way you see the world!
Why is South Korea Experiencing a Population Crisis?
What are the reasons behind South Korea's population problem, the worst in the world.
What I Learned About World Languages Today!
Let me show you 25 things I've learned about languages today.
Do You Know The Origins of These Common Phrases?
There are many phrases that we use in English that we never give a second thought to. Here are 9 common phrases with rather sinister origins.
10 Common Phrases You’re Probably Saying Wrong
You’ve misused these sayings for years!
Should You Change Shampoos For Silvering Hair?
Are you making the transition to silver, shiny locks? Learn how to keep your silvering hair as beautiful as ever with these tips!
50 Culinary Tips That'll Make You a Kitchen Master!
50 great little culinary tips and tricks you can print and hang in the kitchen!
16 Unique Uses For Coconut Oil Outside the Kitchen
There's more to coconut oil than its incredible health benefits. Here are 16 fantastic ways that it can be used outside the kitchen.
5 Best Salts to Cook With... and One to Avoid
Here's a guide to help understand which salts to buy, how to use them, and which ones to avoid.
Why You Need to Avoid Palm Oil Right Away
Palm oil is harmful to the environment. Here's what to do about it.
Should You Save or Get Rid of Old Medication?
In this article, we explain why it’s important to get rid of old, expired, and unused medications and how to do so safely.
Whoa! I Never Knew an Empty Plastic Bottle was So Useful
When you've finished with the contents of a plastic bottle, don't throw the bottle away as it can be used for so many different things.
Cleaning Guide: The Correct Way to do Daily Chores
We could all do with a couple of life-savers every now and then. Check these out!
16 Useful Inventions That You Never Knew Your City Needs!
These cool and awesome inventions have been designed to make the world a much better and easier place.
Warning: Using Dryer Sheets May Cause You Health Problems
Is it really such a good idea to use dryer sheets? The answer may shock you.
Say Goodbye to Pesky Weeds With This Easy-to-Make Spray!
If you have pesky weeds in your garden or growing on your patio, use these two household ingredients to get rid of them!
What More Can You Do With These Everyday Items? Amazing!
What more can you do with these everyday items? Find out here!
I Can't Believe I Never Knew About these Food Hacks
Your cooking experience is about to become a breeze with these useful tricks!
Travel Through Time: History's Best & Worst Makeup Moments
Makeup tastes and trends have changed dramatically over the years, and this great video proves it...
13 Great Secret Hiding Spots That Burglars Will Never Find
Here are a few practical places to properly hide your cash and valuables from professional criminals.
How to Become Wiser in 6 Simple Steps
Intelligence is something, some say, we are born with. On the other hand, wisdom, which is far more useful, is definitely something one can accumulate over a lifetime. Many search for ways to become wise, but few feel they have really achieved it. Ch
A Guide to Identifying and Treating 8 Common Lawn Problems
Discover 8 common problems in gardens and lawns and how they can be treated
10 Pretty Houseplants That Are Nearly Impossible to Kill
These 10 plants are not only beautiful, they're also beginner-friendly and extremely easy to care for!
Shocking! How Thieves Steal Card Details at the ATM
Take note of some of the most common ways thieves will try to steal your credit card details.
7 Ways Lemons Can Make Your Life a Whole Lot Easier!
Here you'll discover seven surprising ways how you can use lemons and lemon juice to make your life cleaner and easier.
Booking a Vacation? Watch Out for These 7 Online Scams
Booking your getaway? Keep it scam-free with these tips.
How to Travel in Retirement Without Overspending - 8 Tips
Want to travel after retirement without breaking your budget? Try these tips.
10 Heartwarming Ways Your Dog Show He Loves You
discover the 10 unique, and sometimes odd, ways they express their affection toward you, essentially saying without words, "I love you."
14 Useful Charts and Guides You’ll Want to Save!
We prepared a list of 14 visual guides and charts that will come in handy at home, outdoors, and even when you’re searching for something online!
We Need to Bring These 25 Phrases Back From the Past
These common expressions from the past are so fun to say. Many are still used but the rest are due to make a comeback any day!
How To Keep Your Glasses In Mint Condition For Years to Come...
7 simple tips that will help you keep your glasses in good condition for a very long time.
Cola Has Many Surprising Uses Other Than Drinking It
Cola may be a popular drink, but here are 19 other ways you can use it.
Knowing These 12 Warning Signs Could Save Your Pet's Life!
If your pets exhibit any of these 12 symptoms, you should take them to the vet immediately!
13 Natural Home Remedies for Mosquito Bites
To help you alleviate the bites, itching, and swelling simply, it's recommended to try the following 13 methods that will significantly ease your discomfort and allow you to get through the summer safely.
12 Helpful Uses for Eucalyptus Oil You've Got to Try
With so many health benefits, which you will discover in the article ahead, you'll find Eucalyptus Oil has many great uses.
The One Ingredient in Shampoo that Damages Our Hair...
Most shampoos have at least this one ingredient that might damage your hair - protein.
14 Genius Cooking Hacks You’ll Wish You Knew Sooner!
Try these awesome cooking hacks today to make your life easier.
Make Your Home Look Expensive With These Low-Cost Tips
Transform the look of your home with these low-cost tips and tricks.
10 Questions You've Always Wanted the Answer To
In this post, we dive into 10 fascinating questions you've probably wondered about at some point in your life, offering clear and concise explanations to satisfy your curiosity.
Experts Warn Against Ordering These Foods at Restaurants
According to the experts, you should avoid ordering the following 8 foods at restaurants. You'll want to heed their advice.
Seniors Living Alone Should Always Have These Items
Want to make life easier on your elderly loved one who lives alone? Check this list.
We All Have Aspirin - And Here Are 9 Things to Use It For
Aspirin is about as pedestrian a pill as you can think of - or so you might think! In reality it has loads of surprising uses. Here are 9 of the best.
Suffer From Sweaty Armpits? This Is What You Need to Do
If you get sweaty armpits, be sure to follow this deodorant advice.
17 Ingenious Life Hacks That You've Been Waiting For!
These 17 amazing and ingenious life hacks will make your day-to-day tasks a lot easier.
5 Wonderful Facial Scrubs You Can Easily Make at Home
There's no reason to spend a fortune on branded facial scrubs, when you can easily make some at home!
Keep the Bedroom Cool in the Summer Heat with These Tips!
Getting a good night's sleep during the hottest summer months doesn't have to be a challenge. With these clever easy tricks, you'll sleep like a baby!