How to keep kids safe around water

Drowning is a leading cause of accidental death for children. The most important water safety tip: Never leave a child unattended near water, even for a moment.


toddler in pool
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What are the most common water dangers for children?

Year after year, drowning consistently lands among one of the top causes of accidental death among children and adolescents ages 0 to 19 years in the United States. Children ages 1 to 4 have the highest drowning rates.

The types of water danger depends on the age of the child.

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  • Babies under 1 year old are most likely to drown in bathtub. But a baby can drown in an inch or two of water, which makes every water source – from a puddle to the toilet to a kiddie pool– a serious risk.
  • Children under age 10 are most likely to drown in home swimming pools. Most drownings in toddlers (who can also drown in very little water) happen during non-swim times, when children may sneak off without their guardian knowing. In addition to swimming pools, hot tubs and spas, bathtubs, natural bodies of water (like ponds), and standing water in homes are also water dangers for this age group.
  • Children 10 to 19 most often fatally drown in natural waters, such as lakes, rivers, or oceans. Dangers in open water include currents, sudden drop offs, rocks and vegetation, limited visibility, cold temperatures, depth of water, and difficulty judging distances.

Adult supervision is the most important way to keep your child safe from drowning. Make sure your child can't access any water sources on their own.

Note that children with autism are especially at risk. Drowning is a leading cause of death of people with autism.

Bath time safety tips for kids

Never leave your young child unattended (or in the care of another child) in a bathtub, not even for a minute. Stay within arm's reach of your baby whenever there's water nearby.  If you suddenly need to go into another room, such as to answer your phone, wrap your child in a towel and take them with you. Assembling everything you'll need for their bath ahead of time can make things easier, especially when your child is younger.

Other ways to help keep your child safe at bath time:

  • Cover the bottom of the tub with a rubber suction mat to prevent slipping, and fill the tub with only 3 to 4 inches of warm water. If your baby can't sit up securely on their own, support their back so they stay upright.
  • Empty the water as soon as bath ends.
  • Make sure the water isn't too hot by testing it with your elbow or wrist. Set your water heater so it doesn't go above 120 degrees F.

Read more tips for bathtub safety.

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Beach safety tips for kids

Roughly 370 children and teens ages 10 to 19 drown each year. Some of these deaths happen in pools, but more of them happen in natural bodies of water. In fact, about 70 percent of all teen drownings happen in lakes, rivers, or oceans.

When you take your child to the beach, be vigilant about keeping track of them every second. Teach your teen to practice the same precautions you'll want to take at the beach:

  • Choose a lifeguarded area to swim in, and follow their guidance.
  • Be alert to weather and water conditions, and heed warnings.
  • Never swim alone.
  • Avoid piers and jetties, where permanent rip currents often exist.
  • Recognize rip currents, and know how to swim out of one. (Don't try to swim against it if you get caught in one. Swim parallel to shore until you're clear of the current.)
  • Never go in the water after drinking alcohol.
  • Wear a life jacket on boats, docks, or near bodies of water. Make sure the jacket is the right size.
  • Get out of the water and away from the beach if there's a storm/lightning.

Pool safety tips for kids

For each year from 2019 through 2021, there were 389 pool- or spa-related fatal drownings of children younger than 15 years. For the same age group, there were an estimated 6,300 pool- or spa-related nonfatal drowning injuries treated in emergency departments each year. Seventy-three percent of the fatal drownings and 80 percent of the nonfatal drownings involved children younger than 5 years of age.

Water safety: at-home pools

  • Always, always supervise children in and near a pool. If there are multiple adults, be clear about which adult is actively watching each child.
  • Keep in mind that a child can lean against the soft side of an inflatable pool and fall in. Surround inflatable, above-ground pools with an appropriate fence so children can't gain unsupervised access.
  • Drain inflatable or plastic wading pools after each use, and store in an upright position.
  • Don't use any electronics, including your phone, that can take your eyes away or distract you while you're supervising your child near water.
  • Remove toys from water in a pool and near a pool, so they don't entice your child to play in or around the pool when you're not looking.
  • Remove the ladder from an above-ground pool at home when you're finished swimming.
  • Don't rely on blow-up rafts, water wings, or toys as flotation devices.
  • Provide barriers to prevent access to the pool. It should be completely enclosed with a fence. You might also consider a pool alarm and a pool cover. Lock all doors and windows that access the pool area, and don't install a pet door (which children can use to get outside).
  • For home pools and spas, make sure the drain has an anti-entrapment cover or other drain safety system, such as an automatic pump shut off. Read more about how to make your at-home pool safe.
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Water safety: public pools

You may want to wait until your baby can hold up their head on their own (usually by 4 or 5 months) before taking them swimming in a pool or lake. When your child is old enough to go into the water with you, follow these steps for staying safe:

  • Take an infant/child CPR course beforehand.
  • Any time you're near water, have your child wear a personal flotation device (PFD) that fits properly and is approved by the U.S Coast Guard. Don't rely on inflatable toys (like water wings) to keep your child safe in the water.
  • Don't dunk a baby underwater. Although infants may naturally hold their breath, they're just as likely to swallow water. That's why babies are more susceptible to the bacteria and viruses in pool water and lakes that can cause stomach flu and diarrhea.
  • Before you decide to swim at a public pool or lake, make sure it has lifeguards on duty, is equipped with rescue equipment in good condition, and has a readily accessible phone – do not rely on using your cell phone – for emergencies.

Teach your children safety rules for swimming at a public pool:

  • Swim only in areas supervised by lifeguards. Follow instructions given by lifeguards.
  • Don't go near the water without an adult.
  • Don't run near the pool.
  • No roughhousing, pushing, dunking, or breath-holding games.
  • Know what to do in case of an emergency.
  • Always go down a water slide feet first.
  • Always jump in feet first. Older children who can dive should be taught not to dive in areas that aren't clearly designated safe for diving.

Water safety tips at home

Be vigilant wherever your child is playing, even if you're nowhere near a swimming pool or lake. Make sure they can't access even a small source of water on their own, and closely supervise any water play.

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Here are more steps you can take at home to keep your child safe from water danger:

  • Inside and outside your home, empty liquid out of all accessible containers, including buckets, kitchen pots, bowls, flowerpots, watering cans, coolers with melted ice, large water bowls for pets, and trash and recycling bins.
  • Outside, keep your child away from fountains, ponds, and birdbaths.
  • If your child is playing in or with water –with a water table, for example – keep your eyes on them at all times.
  • Protect your child from access to wells, irrigation or drainage ditches, and open pot holes.
  • Install a doorknob cover on bathroom doors and latches on toilets.
  • Make sure your young child can't go outside – or to your garage – unnoticed. Use door locks or doorknob covers, and tell older siblings and family members to close doors behind them. Don't use pet doors, which children can climb through.

The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recommends families with children with autism have a family wandering emergency plan, along with a checklist of nearby water (ponds, lakes, and pools) to search if a child wanders. They also recommend that a child with autism who tends to wander be given swimming lessons that include swimming in wet clothes and shoes.

How quickly does drowning happen? And what is secondary drowning?

Once a child starts struggling to breathe in the water, you may have less than a minute to save them. Drowning is also silent. A child who is drowning may not call out – or even splash or wave – which means you may not catch the problem right away unless you're watching at all times.

Drowning happens when you can't get oxygen into your lungs because you're submerged under water. The CDC, the American Red Cross, and other experts use the terms fatal drowning (death related to drowning), nonfatal drowning with injury, and nonfatal drowning without injury to describe drowning events.

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Secondary drowning isn't a medical term, but people use it to describe a delayed response to breathing water into the lungs. Fluid builds up, causing the small air sacs in the lungs to swell (pulmonary edema) over the course of hours or days. Eventually, oxygen is prevented from entering the bloodstream.

This rarely happens. Most healthy children who seem okay after being submerged in water recover just fine, even if they've aspirated a small amount of water. If your child has of the following signs immediately after (or within 8 hours after) a drowning event, however, take them to the doctor:

  • Persistent coughing
  • Difficulty breathing: fast breathing, shallow breathing, flaring nostrils with breaths
  • Irritability or lethargy
  • Vomiting
  • Fever
  • Change in skin color

Is there such a thing as "dry drowning?"

Medically there's no such thing as "dry drowning." But people sometimes use the term to describe what happens when a person's airway closes up during a drowning incident.

When water enters the airway, it can cause a person's vocal cords to spasm shut, making it difficult to breathe. Water doesn't technically fill the lungs, which is why it's referred to as "dry drowning."

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This would take place right away, not hours to days after leaving the water. To an observer, it would appear similar to any other drowning event. As you can imagine, this terminology causes confusion and so experts discourage its use.

What should I do if my child begins to drown?

Whenever your child is in the water, it's extremely important not to leave them unattended, not even for a second. If they slip under for a moment during a bath or while playing in the pool, they'll probably come up coughing and sputtering and recover just fine on their own.

But if they've been underwater for longer than that, you'll need to move calmly and quickly. Follow these steps:

  • Lift your child out of the water.
  • Gently tap or shake your child to see if they respond. (However, if your child experienced any trauma to the head or neck – from diving, for example – stabilize their head.)
  • If they're unresponsive, not breathing, or if they have no pulse, immediately start infant/child CPR.
  • If someone is nearby, shout for help and tell the person to call 911. If you're alone with your child, perform CPR for two minutes and then pause to call 911.
  • Keep doing CPR until your child begins breathing on their own again or until emergency personnel arrive.
  • If your child has come close to drowning, immediately take them to the emergency room for a complete medical evaluation. Even if they appear fine, they may have inhaled water and stopped breathing, which could cause lung or nervous system damage.

If your child seems fine and didn't come close to drowning, keep them warm and dry and talk with their doctor. Keep an eye on them for the next 8 hours, and take them to the ED if they have any breathing difficulty, skin color changes, or any of the other signs of problems noted above.

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Although it's unlikely you'll ever need to do CPR on your child, it's wise to learn how to do it just in case. For more information, see our illustrated CPR guide for infants and illustrated CPR guide for children.

Should I get my child swimming lessons?

Yes, the AAP recommends that all children learn to swim, as one layer of protection against drowning. The timing of lessons depends on the child, but many children can start as early as age 1 year, and most children are ready by the time they're 4 years old.

If you decide to enroll your child in a swimming class, find a program that has experienced, qualified instructors and teaches good water safety habits as well as self-rescue skills. Make sure your child learns how to swim in open water as well as in a swimming pool.

Keep in mind that swimming lessons shouldn't be relied on alone to protect a child from drowning. There's simply no substitute for adult supervision when it comes to water safety.

Learn more

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AAP. Drowning prevention for curious toddlers: What parents need to know. American Academy of Pediatrics. a new window [Accessed June 2022]

AAP. 2019. Swim lessons: When to start & what parents should know. American Academy of Pediatrics. a new window [Accessed June 2022]

AAP. Undated. Water safety for teens. American Academy of Pediatrics. a new window [Accessed June 2022]

CDC. 2022. Drowning prevention.. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. a new window [Accessed June 2022]

CDC. 2022. Drowning Prevention. Facts. Center for Disease Control and Prevention. a new window [Accessed June 2022]

CDC. 2021. Unintentional drowning deaths: Among children aged 0-17 years: United States, 1999-2019. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. a new window [Accessed June 2022]

National Autism Association. Undated. Autism & safety facts. a new window [Accessed June 2022]

SafeKids Worldwide. Undated. Water safety at home. a new window [Accessed June 2022]

USCPSC. 2022. Pool or spa submersion: Estimated nonfatal drowning injuries and reported drownings, 2022 report. United States Consumer Product Safety Commission. a new window [Accessed June 2022]

Zac Foundation. Undated. Teen Water Safety. a new window [Accessed June 2022]

Karen Miles
Karen Miles is a writer and an expert on pregnancy and parenting who has contributed to BabyCenter for more than 20 years. She's passionate about bringing up-to-date, useful information to parents so they can make good decisions for their families. Her favorite gig of all is being "Mama Karen" to four grown children and "Nana" to nine grandkids.