Ovarian cysts during pregnancy

An ovarian cyst during pregnancy is usually no cause for worry. Most ovarian cysts are harmless, painless, and go away on their own. Ovarian cysts don't normally cause symptoms, either, although if a cyst ruptures it can be painful. And if a cyst twists or causes the ovary to twist (called ovarian torsion), you'll need immediate surgery. While it's usually not necessary, doctors can safely remove an ovarian cyst during pregnancy.

pregnant woman holding her belly
Photo credit: Katie Rain for BabyCenter

What is an ovarian cyst?

An ovarian cyst is a fluid- or tissue-filled sac or pouch in or on the ovary.

Ovarian cysts are usually harmless, painless, and disappear without treatment. They can vary in size from half an inch to four inches, and they usually develop during the childbearing years or after menopause. About 7 percent of women worldwide have an ovarian cyst at some time.

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There are several types of ovarian cysts:

  • Functional cysts are the most common type of cyst, and they're related to ovulation. They don't cause cancer. Functional cysts include follicular cysts and corpus luteum cysts. Follicular cysts form when the follicle holding the egg doesn't open and release the egg during ovulation but instead holds onto it, forming a cyst. Corpus luteum cysts develop after ovulation. Usually, after an egg is released from the follicle the follicle shrinks. If the follicle doesn't shrink but instead fluid collects in it, it forms a corpus luteum cyst.
  • Teratoma cysts (also called dermoid cysts) contain different bodily tissues, such as skin and hair tissue. Teratoma cysts might be in the body from birth and then grow during a woman's childbearing years. It's rare, but these can become cancerous.
  • Cystadenoma cysts grow on the outer surface of the ovary and are benign (non-cancerous). They can get quite large and are solid.
  • Endometriomas might form when a woman has endometriosis (a condition where the tissue that normally lines the uterus grows outside the uterus, often on the ovaries). They are also called chocolate cysts and are filled with blood.

When the ovaries make many small cysts, it's called polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). PCOS can cause fertility problems and lead to diabetes later in life.

What causes an ovarian cyst during pregnancy?

The most common type of ovarian cyst during pregnancy is a corpus luteum cyst. Rather than shrinking, the follicle that released the egg fills with fluid and remains on the ovary. These cysts usually go away on their own by the middle of the second trimester, but sometimes they stay on the ovary and – if they become large or cause symptoms – may need to be removed.

You may also have another type of cyst that you had before pregnancy. It may stay on your ovary while you're pregnant. Other types of cysts may even grow during pregnancy and become painful, but they don't usually cause problems for the pregnancy.

What will happen if I have an ovarian cyst during pregnancy?

Ovarian cysts usually don't cause any problems during pregnancy, though if a cyst continues to grow it might rupture or twist or cause the ovary to twist (this twisting is called ovarian torsion). A growing cyst could cause problems during childbirth, particularly if it's a large mass obstructing the abdomen or pelvis.

Your caregiver will do regular ultrasounds to monitor your ovaries and the cyst and make sure it doesn't grow or threaten to cause any problems. If an ultrasound isn't adequate for viewing a cyst that's causing problems, you may have an MRI.

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Ovarian cyst symptoms

Ovarian cysts usually don't cause any symptoms. Your caregiver might discover one during a routine pelvic exam or an ultrasound.

If an ovarian cyst becomes large or bleeds, breaks open, or becomes twisted or causes the ovary to twist, it can be painful.

Other possible ovarian cyst symptoms include:

  • Bloating
  • Abdominal fullness or pressure
  • Pain during bowel movements

How will I know if I have ovarian torsion?

Ovarian torsion usually causes intermittent lower abdominal pain on one side. It may also cause:

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  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Low-grade fever

Ovarian torsion is a medical emergency. Go to the emergency department right away if you think you could have ovarian torsion.

How will I know if an ovarian cyst ruptures?

If an ovarian cyst ruptures during pregnancy, it's most likely to happen in the first trimester or early second trimester and disappear on its own by the middle of the second trimester.

A cyst that has ruptured may cause:

  • Sudden, severe pain
  • Fever
  • Vomiting
  • Faintness or weakness
  • Rapid breathing
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Contact your healthcare provider right away if you think you have a ruptured ovarian cyst.

Ovarian cyst treatments

Usually ovarian cysts don't require treatment. They go away on their own. Unless:

  • You have an ovarian cyst that ruptures. In this case, you will likely need pain medication. Usually your body will absorb the ruptured cyst, but your healthcare provider will recommend rest and monitor you for signs of infection.
  • You have an ovarian torsion (the cyst causes the ovary to twist). This is a medical emergency that requires surgery.
  • The cyst is large or causing symptoms. Your caregiver may recommend rest and possibly surgery.

Is it safe to remove an ovarian cyst during pregnancy?

If necessary, an ovarian cyst can be safely removed during pregnancy, though your caregiver will probably avoid removal unless you're in pain or the cyst is bleeding. If you need surgery, you may be able to have minimally invasive laparoscopic surgery through tiny incisions. In some cases, though, regular abdominal surgery is necessary.

If you have a corpus luteum cyst removed early in pregnancy (before 10 weeks), you'll likely take progesterone supplements afterwards to support the pregnancy. (Normally, the corpus luteum provides progesterone to support the pregnancy until the placenta takes over.)

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BabyCenter's editorial team is committed to providing the most helpful and trustworthy pregnancy and parenting information in the world. When creating and updating content, we rely on credible sources: respected health organizations, professional groups of doctors and other experts, and published studies in peer-reviewed journals. We believe you should always know the source of the information you're seeing. Learn more about our editorial and medical review policies.

ACOG. 2020. Ovarian cysts. American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologist. https://www.acog.org/womens-health/faqs/ovarian-cystsOpens a new window [Accessed March 2021]

Cleveland Clinic Center for Continuing Education. 2016. Ovarian Cysts. http://www.clevelandclinicmeded.com/medicalpubs/diseasemanagement/womens-health/ovarian-cysts/#bib24Opens a new window [Accessed March 2021]

De Haan J et al. 2015. Management of ovarian cysts and cancer in pregnancy. Facts, Views & Vision in ObGyn 7(1): 25-31. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4402440/Opens a new window [Accessed March 2021]

Johns Hopkins Medicine. Undated. What risks are associated with a ruptured ovarian cyst? https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/health/conditions-and-diseases/what-risks-are-associated-with-a-ruptured-ovarian-cystOpens a new window [Accessed March 2021]

Mayo Clinic. 2020. Ovarian cysts. https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/ovarian-cysts/symptoms-causes/syc-20353405Opens a new window [Accessed March 2021]

MedlinePlus. 2020. Ovarian cysts. https://medlineplus.gov/ency/article/001504.htmOpens a new window [Accessed March 2021]

National Institutes of Health, National Library of Medicine. 2019. Ovarian cysts: Overview. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK539572/Opens a new window [Accessed March 2021]

USDHHS. 2019. Ovarian cysts. US Department of Health and Human Services, Office on Women's Health. https://www.womenshealth.gov/a-z-topics/ovarian-cystsOpens a new window [Accessed March 2021]

UpToDate. 2020. Patient education: Ovarian cysts (Beyond the Basics). https://www.uptodate.com/contents/ovarian-cysts-beyond-the-basics/printOpens a new window [Accessed March 2021]

Karen Miles
Karen Miles is a writer and an expert on pregnancy and parenting who has contributed to BabyCenter for more than 20 years. She's passionate about bringing up-to-date, useful information to parents so they can make good decisions for their families. Her favorite gig of all is being "Mama Karen" to four grown children and "Nana" to nine grandkids.