
Whiting True Blue

These medium sized chickens are beautiful egg layers. They lay pure blue eggs! Their eggs start out at a medium size. However, as they grow and mature the eggs become very large! Each hen (on average) produces 300 eggs a year!

General Information

Breed Purpose
Egg Production
Climate Tolerance
Cold and heat hardy.
Egg Productivity
Egg Size
Medium at first, large when they are fully matured.
Egg Color
Breed Temperament
Breed Colors/Varieties
Breed Size
7 pound males 5.5 pound females.
Not a standard breed.
The Whiting True Blues will have varying feather patterns and coloration, which will add color and beauty to your flock. Leg color will vary with plumagecolor. As their name indicates, these birds were developed to lay a consistently blue egg. Hens are excellent layers and not likely to set. Egg size will start out with medium size eggs and progress to large eggs given adequate nutrition. This breed is heat tolerant, has a good disposition, and free ranges well

Latest reviews

Do they breed true, and do you know what breeds were used in their development ?
They do breed true. The Ameraucana and leghorn were used to achieve this blue-egg producing breed.


i have had upwards of 40 birds and find most to be flighty and skittish. and not a very hardy bird, they seem fragile to me. i love their eggs, i think it is superior to most and are amazing colored birds. i have been shifting my flock to straight whitings but due to the mortality rate i am rethinking this
i have had upwards of 40 birds and find most to be flighty and skittish. and not a very hardy bird, they seem fragile to me. i love their eggs, i think it is superior to most and are amazing colored birds. i have been shifting my flock to straight whitings but due to the mortality rate i am rethinking this
Have you noticed they are late matures? I have one that is either super late or sterile.
I notice from your bio line that you have some pretty aggressive breeds, e.g. RIR, that are typically larger than the True Blues. Did you mix your WTB in with these other breeds? Do you think that might play into their fragility?
I have 2, very skittish makes my leghorns seem like lap chickens, but hardy and manageable...pretty egg.
I just got five; three pullets for sure and one definite cockerel, and they all look very similar though the boy is a really nice blue. #5 has a different colour, different comb and muffs. It may be a cock with that comb he has but he/it is smaller now than the other fella so I’m not sure. It’s cute either way!
They’ve been more flighty than my other chicks but also more musical, they chatter and trill a lot. I enjoy it!
We have several Whiting True Blues and other Whiting varieties also. Whiting Farms is just about 10 min down the road, so as you would expect we have easy access, although I've never been personally involved with their farm. I think they're great birds. Ours are friendly, hardy and easy. They come when called and sit down to be "scritched" on their backs, necks and wings. They eat from our hands and are good at avoiding the larger hens. They lay regularly and the eggs are very pretty. I think they're good for beginners.
I just got five; three pullets for sure and one definite cockerel, and they all look very similar though the boy is a really nice blue. #5 has a different colour, different comb and muffs. It may be a cock with that comb he has but he/it is smaller now than the other fella so I’m not sure. It’s cute either way!
They’ve been more flighty than my other chicks but also more musical, they chatter and trill a lot. I enjoy it!
Oh! Exciting! We got a pile of meat birds and few layers recently, and I would sit and watch them in the brooder to see how they were doing and at least a couple were little song birds, but I could never quite catch them in the act to know who was singing! It must be the WTBs!!!

Item information

Chicken Breeds
Added by
Andrew Myers
Last update
4.50 star(s) 2 ratings

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