General Information
- Breed Purpose
- Egg Production
- Comb
- Pea
- Broodiness
- Poor
- Climate Tolerance
- Cold and heat hardy.
- Egg Productivity
- Excellent
- Egg Size
- Medium at first, large when they are fully matured.
- Egg Color
- Blue
- Breed Temperament
- Docile
- Breed Colors/Varieties
- Varies.
- Breed Size
- 7 pound males 5.5 pound females.
- APA/ABA Class
- Not a standard breed.
- Color
- Varies
The Whiting True Blues will have varying feather patterns and coloration, which will add color and beauty to your flock. Leg color will vary with plumagecolor. As their name indicates, these birds were developed to lay a consistently blue egg. Hens are excellent layers and not likely to set. Egg size will start out with medium size eggs and progress to large eggs given adequate nutrition. This breed is heat tolerant, has a good disposition, and free ranges well