So two roosters were abandoned in the parking lot of my workplace yesterday morning before opening, and my boss of course put them in one of his cages because it's pretty clear whoever left them isn't coming back. Today my first thought upon seeing them was "Maran". They're definitely Lavender, whatever they are, and I'm pretty sure they are breeder stock, not hatchery, just based on size and color. But I've never kept nor bred Marans so I'm hoping to get a more experienced keeper's knowledge on this one.
I had to be home quick so I didn't get pictures of both, but they are nearly identical so one should suffice. I'm guessing maybe 4-5 months old? They're very tame and also very loud.
(Adding pics in a subsequent reply because it won't let me do so in the original on mobile)
I had to be home quick so I didn't get pictures of both, but they are nearly identical so one should suffice. I'm guessing maybe 4-5 months old? They're very tame and also very loud.
(Adding pics in a subsequent reply because it won't let me do so in the original on mobile)