Are these Mites? *PICS*


11 Years
Jun 21, 2008
Some of my chickens have been looking especially scruffy for months. At first, I just thought they were molting, but the feathers never come back. I know what lice look like, and treated for lice and worms with topical Ivomec about a month ago.

I see lots of black pepper looking dots on the chickens, but can't see anything moving. How do I know if they have mites? If they do, how do I treat for these? Will Oxine AH work for killing and disinfecting the coop? Where do they live? Where else do I treat?

Help please!



I have no roosters that are mating with my hens, and haven't for at least 6 months.

I would agree on the dirt, since they dust bathe frequently.

She has looked like this for at least 3 months, so I don't think molting is an option, and the feathers are broken off more than missing.

Anyone else?? What should I do to make the feathers grow back?
Could it be that something is chewing them while they are roosting at night??? Looks like whatever is happenning, the feather shaft is being left in and all the barbs are chewed off. I had a d'uccle that nested on the ground at night and her outer feathers touching the ground looked that way and I was told that mice chew on them when they are sleeping, or maybe some type of bug that would eat feathers??? Cockroaches will do that I think!
By the way, what kind of chiken is that in your avatar??? I got one form a lady but it has a little bit more of the black speckling down her back and on top of her tail. She also has big cheek puffs. I would love to know her breed.
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Sometimes other hens that aren't getting enough protein will feather pick and eat the feathers. I had a gang I got from another lady that were feather picking and with an improved diet (and some BlueKote) they are getting over it.
Here is a thought. I've caught this happening in my coop. My hens have plenty of roosting space and sometimes if they are close enough to one another they will peck at each other before they settle in for the night. And depending on how they are roosting head -to- head or head-to-tail, it gets pecked. Again, just a thought.
Henry'schickens :

Here is a thought. I've caught this happening in my coop. My hens have plenty of roosting space and sometimes if they are close enough to one another they will peck at each other before they settle in for the night. And depending on how they are roosting head -to- head or head-to-tail, it gets pecked. Again, just a thought.

That sounds logical to me!

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