Sarah-Jane Musiq
The Psychedelic Tour 2015
Podium Duycker
Raadhuisplein 5
Nov 20, 2015
8:00 PM UTC
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About this concert
Sarah-Jane is een talentvolle soulzangeres uit Amsterdam. Ze begon haar carrière als achtergrondzangeres bij onder andere Glennis Grace, Sabrina Starke en Rita Marley. Daarna was ze onderdeel van The Xperience, een band die door Nederland trok met de hiphopformatie Zwart Licht en Jayh. Als soloartiest maakt ze in 2014 een vliegende start door het winnen van de Amsterdamse Popprijs. Na de singles ‘Psychedelic Love’ en ‘Letter To The Moon’ werkt ze nu hard aan haar debuutalbum.
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Sarah-Jane Musiq Biography
Sarah-Jane is an up-and-coming Music Artist sought after for her dynamic style, uplifting persona, and soulful vocals. Growing up listening to Soul and Caribbean music, she was quickly influenced by the distinct sound and infused it into her own music, creating a one-of-a-kind symphony of melodic beauty that not only entertains, but jolts the soul wide awake.
During her musical career, Sarah-Jane has been blessed with the opportunity to perform live on Dutch National TV multiple times and at the North Sea Jazz Festival for two consecutive years. She has also earned numerous awards, including the Winner of the Amsterdam Pop Price 2015 as well as nominations for two NPO Radio 6 Soul & Jazz Awards 2016 (Best Female Artist & Best Single - ‘Letter to the Moon’).
Starting out her creative journey as an accomplished backing vocalist, Sarah-Jane has recently branched out into the music world as a reputable soloist. However, music has been her calling since the moment she spoke her first words. That unwavering passion has only burned brighter by the day.
In 2014, Sarah-Jane dropped her debut single entitled ‘Psychedelic Love’. By 2015, she released ‘Letter to the Moon,’ followed by ‘One of a Kind’ a year later. September 22nd, she released her debut EP ‘Black Magic’ and will be going on tour in November.
When she isn’t creating songs, Sarah-Jane continues to nurture her creative spirit with dancing and acting. She also loves watching awe-inspiring documentaries and reading spiritual books.
Read MoreDuring her musical career, Sarah-Jane has been blessed with the opportunity to perform live on Dutch National TV multiple times and at the North Sea Jazz Festival for two consecutive years. She has also earned numerous awards, including the Winner of the Amsterdam Pop Price 2015 as well as nominations for two NPO Radio 6 Soul & Jazz Awards 2016 (Best Female Artist & Best Single - ‘Letter to the Moon’).
Starting out her creative journey as an accomplished backing vocalist, Sarah-Jane has recently branched out into the music world as a reputable soloist. However, music has been her calling since the moment she spoke her first words. That unwavering passion has only burned brighter by the day.
In 2014, Sarah-Jane dropped her debut single entitled ‘Psychedelic Love’. By 2015, she released ‘Letter to the Moon,’ followed by ‘One of a Kind’ a year later. September 22nd, she released her debut EP ‘Black Magic’ and will be going on tour in November.
When she isn’t creating songs, Sarah-Jane continues to nurture her creative spirit with dancing and acting. She also loves watching awe-inspiring documentaries and reading spiritual books.
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