Become a content provider
Please complete the following steps to suggest a source / content provider which is not indexed in BASE yet.
If your source is already indexed as a content provider and you want to let us know about fundamental changes in your source (for example change of the URL of the OAI interface) please sent us a message via our contact form.
1. Is the source already indexed?
Thousands of sources (e-journals, institutional repositories etc.) are indexed by BASE.
Firstly, please check if the source - or documents from the source - are already included in BASE.
If you have found documents from the source but have questions concerning the index status, please check our FAQ, which will give you information about how we are indexing / updating content.
2. The source is not indexed yet?
You haven't found any documents from the source? There are some requirements for indexing a source by BASE:
- The source has to contain academic content.
- At least some documents from the source are available as open access (full texts free of charge, without registration).
- The metadata of the docments are provided via a valid OAI-PMH interface.
Validate the OAI interface of the source using our OAI-PMH validator OVAL. If error messages (not just warnings) occur, it might not be possible to index the source.
If you get errors or warnings, our Golden Rules for Repository Managers might be helpful, to optimize the delivery of your data via your OAI interface.
3. Validation successful?
The OAI interface was successfully validated and the source is not indexed yet?
Now you may suggest the source to be indexed by BASE!