Vernal Among Stops For Utah’s First Air Taxi Demonstrations
Vernal is among 6 stops in the state next week where demonstrations of the “future of aviation” are happening. 47G-Utah Aerospace and Defense, the Utah Department of Transportation Aeronautics Division, and the Governor’s Office of Economic Opportunity are hosting...
Roosevelt City Gives Update On Rough Rider Shooting Complex
Phase 1 of a much anticipated project in Roosevelt is wrapping up this spring and excitement is growing. The Rough Rider Shooting Complex is having some finishing touches done on Phase 1 and a Grand Opening announcement is pending. The entrance road and 200 Yard Range...
DWR Hosting Mountain Goat Viewing Event Near Upper Stillwater Dam
Around 1,500 mountain goats call Utah home and one of the largest herds is located in northeastern Utah. Mountain goats were reintroduced to the Uinta Mountains in 1987 and the herd has been supplemented and has continued to grow. A great chance to see these majestic...
Uintah County Library Invites Community Feedback
There is always something for the family at the Uintah County Library and the staff is looking to keep that going. The community is invited to fill out a survey to share feedback on what activities you would like brought back, what free classes would interest you, and...
Man Breaks Property Of Ex; Watches As She’s Attacked And Beat
A Roosevelt man was arrested after a series of events during which he was breaking his ex's belongings and watched as his ex was attacked and beaten. According to the Affidavit of Probable Cause, officers responded to a report of disorderly conduct on State Street in...
Lost Snowmobiler Quickly Rescued On Duchesne Ridge Thanks To DPS Chopper
Search and rescue crews likely saved the life of a missing snowmobiler on Duchesne Ridge over the weekend. According to the Wasatch County Search and Rescue, at approximately 7:15pm on March 1st, the Emergency Dispatch Center was notified of a missing 53-year-old-male...

BLM Seeking Public Comment For Reopening Taylor Flat Airstrip
The Bureau of Land Management’s Vernal Field Office opened a 30-day public scoping period on Monday to receive public input on a proposal to re-open a portion of the Taylor Flat Airstrip. “The Taylor Flat Airstrip was originally constructed in the 1960s and reclaimed...
Fishing Contests Helping With Flaming Gorge Small Lake Trout Management
Wyoming Game and Fish reported today that fishing contests on Flaming Gorge are an important part of managing small lake trout in Flaming Gorge Reservoir. Most recently, the annual Mac Attack Fishing Contest drew 156 participants to the 3-day event during which...
Ashley National Forest Burning Slash Piles In Dry Fork And Brownie Canyon Area
Ashley National Forest has announced that fire management personnel are burning slash piles in the area of Dry Fork and Brownie Canyon as soon as Tuesday, March 4th. “The piles to be burned are located along Forest Service Road 031 west of the Dry Fork/Brownie Canyon...
Woman Demands Tenants Be Evicted; Then Threatens Them/Husband With Gun
A Uintah County woman is facing 5 felony charges following an instance in which she allegedly threatened a group of people with a gun. According to the Affidavit of Probable Cause, a report of a disturbance involving a firearm was called in on February 28th at about...
Winter Weather Advisory In Place For Eastern Uinta Mountains
Uintah County Emergency Management has provided information on a Winter Weather Advisory now in effect in northeastern Utah. According to the announcement, the Winter Weather Advisory is for the eastern Uinta Mountains with snow and blowing snow expected above 8500...
Moffat County All Crimes Enforcement Team Makes Drug Arrests
Arrests were made for meth distribution in Moffat County last week thanks to the work of the All Crimes Enforcement Team in Northwest Colorado. Detective Sergeant Bryan Gonzales, the Drug Task Force Commander, issued a press release on the arrests, sharing that on the...
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