
More Joy, Less Pain

We provide the tools to help you get to the other side of your pain, illness and frustration.

Laura Goff is now practicing acupuncture at Pinnacle Wellness Center/Whitney Green Acupuncture in Tigard, Oregon.


 Supporting your healing journey wherever you are.

It's time to shift the trajectory of your health and give you the care you need to feel nourished and heard. It's time to live again.


Find Your Joy [aka what we offer]:


Healing Services

Acupuncture, Energy Work, Aroma Point Therapy, Chinese Herbs, Cupping, Moxibustion and More

Classes and Events

Yoga and Qi Gong Classes, Workshops, Retreats, Guest Speaking and Special Events

Community Care

Acupuncture and healing practices in community for individual and collective healing


Self Care Courses

Find healing with self-paced courses with movement, breath work, meditation, aromatherapy practices

Custom Wellness Programs

For businesses who are maxed out (or burned out) and want to bring joy back into their workplace.

Yoga Class Recordings

We give free class recordings out monthly. Join our email list to receive class recordings.


 “Being in the health field myself, I recognize a true professional with top notch skills.”


All it took was 2 sessions with Laura and weeks of extreme sciatica pain was gone. Being in the health field myself, I recognize a true professional with top notch skills. Very caring and thorough. My highest recommendation and many thanks for the fine service.



We can and must look harder to understand your unique constellation of health challenges. And we must also see the possibilities in everyone’s healing.

Even someone who is past the point of “curing” has the possibility of finding joy, being nourished, moving stuck energy and finding healing.

Often a person in an incurable phase has the potential to heal. Why? How is this possible? It’s not always a miracle. It’s that huge healing can take place when you’re at the precipice. There’s nothing else to do, but awaken to and heal your spirit. And that is the miracle of this energetic medicine offered at Beacon Acupuncture.


At Beacon Acupuncture we like to bring Joy right to your email inbox!

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