New mod maker help

Discussion in 'Content Creation' started by AntaresDedsec, Jul 31, 2021.

  1. AntaresDedsec

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    Jul 28, 2021
    So I've always wanted a modern/newer f1 car in this game. The only other good and new-ish f1 mod is like 2-3 years old. I decided to take it upon myself to make one. I know literally nothing about making mods. I acquired a 3d model of the car that I want to interpret into the game. I request some help from the people who actually know how to make mods to help me do something good with this 3d model :)
    Its a .obj file to start with
    It was a free model from some website, pretty sure the model is taken from the f1 2021 game.
    Here are some pictures


    Currently, all I want to know is how to make this into a model for beamng (what file format and stuff).
    And then how to make it into a mod with a working engine and stuff
    Thanks in advance for the helpers :D
  2. Agent_Y

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    Jbeam/QA support
    BeamNG Team

    Jul 10, 2020
    The format accepted by the game is DAE. But making an F1 car in this game is ridiculously hard, due to extreme aero combined with high speed generating massive forces. Just like in real life, it's way harder to design an F1 car than a normal one, and it needs to be way more precise, every detail matters. I doubt you will be able to make it, or that anyone will be willing to help with it. We only have 1 not very realistic F1 mod and like 2 F2 mods and 1 of them is fully realistic but it took months to achieve this effect. Nobody ever made a fully realistic F1 simply because it's too hard, it would take years.
  3. AntaresDedsec

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    Jul 28, 2021
    oh dang, thanks for that help.
    If people who knew how to make f1s took months, then uncultured idiots like me would take atleast a decade to make it, thanks for making this clear lol
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