Resources for Belhaven University Students
Here’s your one-stop resource center for everything Belhaven. Looking for the academic calendar? What about the Catalogue? You manage a lot of details; get help here.
Find What You Need in BlazeNet
BlazeNet is your go-to resource. With just a few clicks, you can check your grades or account balance, make a payment, plan your course schedule, apply for graduation, get academic help, and much more.
Also, make sure to download the Belhaven mobile app! This app allows you to access all the features of BlazeNet on the go, making it easier than ever to access the tools you need when you need them. To download, go to the Google Play Store or Apple App Store and search for "BlazeNet" and download the app.
Resource Center
- Catalogue
- The Kilt (Student Handbook)
- Art & Design
- Dance - Undergrad
- Dance - Graduate
- Dance Clinic
- Library
- Music
- Nursing
- Theatre
The first time you access your Belhaven email through BlazeNet, you will be asked to log into your email account with your full email address ([email protected]) and the same password you used for BlazeNet.
- Check Email
- E-mail Resources:
- Password help
- DUO (two-factor authentication)
- E-mail Forwarding
- E-mail Help Form
- Portal Guard
Verse of the Year
For the Lord is good. His unfailing love continues forever, and his faithfulness continues to each generation.
Psalm 100:5