The Belhaven University Style Guide provides guidelines for staff and faculty. The purpose is to help produce consistency throughout the University’s publications and website.

For any questions e-mail [email protected].

Download Belhaven Logos & Images

Download each adult and graduate campus logo package in .zip format:

The BU logo is a secondary mark that will be used on non-athletic items where the Belhaven Logo is difficult to reproduce. Possible Examples: Embroidery, social media icons, or state license tag. Please see the Branding and Usage Policy document for information on how to use this secondary logo.

Primary Academic Seal

The university seal has long played an important role in the visual history of Belhaven University. This traditional symbol has now been assigned a special place in the heraldry of Belhaven, with a clearly defined and specific use, as well as restrictions. Use of the university seal is reserved for official Belhaven diplomas and certificates, as well as for commencement and convocation programs. It is to be used as a formal seal on such documents. Please see the Branding and Usage Policy (pdf)document for information on how to use the University seal or e-mail [email protected].

Secondary Marketing Seal

This seal is available for general use. The seal may be used in conjunction with the logo or stand alone. The marketing seal does not carry the limitations of the Academic Seal and may be used on promotional items and other materials as needed, however, the seal may not used where the Academic Seal is appropriate.

  • Dark Green: Pantone 357
  • Light Green: Pantone 363
  • Yellow: Pantone 130
  • Note: There is no "Belhaven University" Font as seen in the logo.

Download Belhaven University Power Point Slides (this is a Power Point file). Note: there are 14 different customized slide layouts. You can pick and chose your preferences to use in your presentation.

Want to have beautiful photos of Belhaven University set as your screen saver? Download screensaver instructions for MAC and PC (PDF). Download the photos (ZIP).

Download photos of the Belhaven University Campus and use as your desktop wallpaper. Each photo is available in various sizes so you can select the one that best fits your screen resolution. Follow the instructions for PC or Mac users to place the image as your desktop wallpaper.

Aerial photo of Fitzhugh Hall, Preston Hall, fountain, The Commons and Student Center

Bitsy Irby Visual Arts and Dance Building

Center for the Arts Building

Entergy Pavilion

McCravey-Triplett Student Center

PC Users: Click on the size image you would like to place on your desktop to your hard drive. When image opens, right click on image and select Save Image As and save it to your hard drive (remember where you saved it so you can browse to it later.). Right click on your desktop. Go to Properties. In the Display Properties box, go to Desktop. Browse to and select the image you saved on your hard drive, click Apply and then click OK.

Mac Users: Download your photo to the location of your choice. (For these instructions the place will be your pictures folder.) When on your finder, open "system preferences" and choose "desktop & screensaver". Open the pictures folder. Select the picture that you downloaded, right click it and choose "set desktop picture".

C Users: Click on the size image you would like to place on your desktop to your hard drive. When image opens, right click on image and select Save Image As and save it to your hard drive (remember where you saved it so you can browse to it later.). Right click on your desktop. Go to Properties. In the Display Properties box, go to Desktop. Browse to and select the image you saved on your hard drive, click Apply and then click OK.

Mac Users: Download your photo to the location of your choice. (For these instructions the place will be your pictures folder.) When on your finder, open "system preferences" and choose "desktop & screensaver". Open the pictures folder. Select the picture that you downloaded, right click it and choose "set desktop picture".

Verse of the Year

For the Lord is good. His unfailing love continues forever, and his faithfulness continues to each generation.

Psalm 100:5