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Lake Bemidji State Park welcomes 2024 with annual First Day Hike

With a peculiar lack of snow for January in the Northwoods, the “snowshoeing under the pines” themed hike was just a walk in the park this year as attendees took off from the trailhead on Monday.

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Attendees walk and visit with each other along the trail as part of a First Day Hike on Monday, Jan. 1, 2024, at Lake Bemidji State Park.
Maggi Fellerman / Bemidji Pioneer

BEMIDJI — Attendees of the annual First Day Hike at Lake Bemidji State Park left their snowshoes at home and joined other community members for a walk to start the year off right.

With the peculiar lack of snow for January in the Northwoods, the “snowshoeing under the pines” themed hike was just a walk in the park this year as they started at the Paul Bunyan State Trail trailhead on Monday morning and followed the trail to the Sundew Pond lookout and back.


Burning off holiday calories, inhaling the brisk air, and writing down goals for 2024 and things to leave behind in 2023, the seven attendees hit the state park to step into the new year along with many others across the country.

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Attendees walk and visit with eachother along the trail as part of a First Day Hike on Monday, Jan. 1, 2024, at Lake Bemidji State Park.
Maggi Fellerman / Bemidji Pioneer

“First Day Hikes are part of a nationwide initiative led by America's state parks to get people outdoors with over 400 hikes scheduled this year in all 50 states,” the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources website reads. “Kids and adults all across America will be participating in First Day Hikes, getting their hearts pumping and enjoying the beauty of a state park.”

Before the crew took off, Lake Bemidji State Park Naturalist Christa Drake handed out clipboards, pens and pieces of paper so everyone could write down three things they wanted to leave behind in 2023 so they could later throw their papers in a campfire after the hike.

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Attendees write down three things they want to leave behind in 2023 as part of a First Day Hike on Monday, Jan. 1, 2024, at Lake Bemidji State Park.
Maggi Fellerman / Bemidji Pioneer

After everyone was finished, Drake encouraged the group to go around and introduce themselves and describe one of their goals for 2024.

“One of our tasks today when we are walking is to work on being present. I want you to pick up your sight, touch, smell and sound,” Drake said to the attendees. “When we get to the very end, if anyone's willing to share what they saw, heard or felt that would be great.”

She then read a poem to the participants to ring in the new year and they took off down the path.

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Lake Bemidji State Park Naturalist Christa Drake welcomes attendees to an annual First Day Hike event on Monday, Jan. 1, 2024, at Lake Bemidji State Park.
Maggi Fellerman / Bemidji Pioneer

“It’s the first day of the new year. It's time to shine for a new day,” Drake read. “Forget your past sorrow and pain. It's time to recall all your memories, beautiful dreams that remain uncovered and painful parts of life when your heart gets crushed — but don't be afraid. The future is in your hands. Start your race on a new journey that leads you to success. You will rise again. You will shine again. Happy New Year.”


First Day Hikes took place at 11 other state parks in Minnesota including Wild River, Mille Lacs Kathio, Tettegouche and Minneopa.

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Attendees walk and visit with eachother along the trail as part of a First Day Hike on Monday, Jan. 1, 2024, at Lake Bemidji State Park.
Maggi Fellerman / Bemidji Pioneer
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A blanket of frost lines the trees as the sun pokes through on Monday, Jan. 1, 2024, at Lake Bemidji State Park.
Maggi Fellerman / Bemidji Pioneer
010324.N.BP.FIRSTDAY 1.jpg
Attendees walk and visit with eachother along the trail as part of a First Day Hike on Monday, Jan. 1, 2024, at Lake Bemidji State Park.
Maggi Fellerman / Bemidji Pioneer

Maggi is a reporter at the Bemidji Pioneer focusing on outdoor and human interest stories. Raised in Aitkin, Minnesota, Maggi is a graduate of Bemidji State University's class of 2022 with a degree in Mass Communication.
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