Members of the Class of 2021 sit on chairs on the football field for graduation at Wahconah Regional High School in Dalton on Saturday.

District: Central Berkshire Regional School District

Graduation location: Wahconah Regional High School football field


Silly string and glitter mark the end of graduation at Wahconah Regional High School in Dalton, Saturday, June 5, 2021.

Graduating seniors: 130

Valedictorian: Aiden Trager

Quote: “Today we take our training wheels off, and part ways on our own journeys, wherever they may take us. We’ve spent the last four years as a group, building bonds and creating a community that will forever have a place in our memories. Wahconah will always be the place where we grew up, the school where we learned to be adults.”


Valedictorian Aiden Trager delivers his speech at Wahconah Regional High School in Dalton, Saturday.

Salutatorian: Shaun Thorton

Quote: “There is certainly no doubt that we have all grown during our time here. Whether it be academically, socially, physically, or a combination of all three, we are not the same. The Freshmen who walked into Wahconah four years ago are very different from the graduating Seniors who are sitting here today. Our view of the world has been heightened. In spite of all the challenges we’ve faced, we still managed to achieve success, and we did it together.”

Memorable moments: The Wahconah Seniors took a stroll through the halls of the “old” Wahconah High School, the last class of students that will graduate from the building as the “new” high school opens next school year. As they walked in silence, they read notes on the doors of the classroom from their teachers wishing them good luck.


Wahconah Regional High School Class of 2021 graduates tour the halls of the “old” Wahconah High School in Dalton. The Class of 2021 is the last class to graduate from this building.

— Ben Garver, The Berkshire Eagle


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