BA-NB-20SV Single Leaf Automatic Smoke Vent Best Access Doors’ Single-Leaf Automatic Smoke Vent (BA-NB-20SV) is a reliable solution for installations in smaller spaces such as elevator shafts and stairwells. It meets the requirements of the International Building Code and complies with building codes for ventilation. Its automated unlatching mechanism and 14-gauge steel construction make it durable and easy to install. This unit limits the lateral spread of fire and creates a point of attack for firefighters while protecting against secondary ignitions. The vent hatch also reduces noise and minimizes the spread of flames to surrounding buildings. The BA-NB-20SV has a Class A rating and is weatherproofed for a complete insulation, making it corrosion-resistant. Fortify your commercial, industrial, and multi-family dwellings with the installation of BA-NB-20SV today!

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