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Health Benefits of Organic Sweet Corn

Organic sweet corn is a type of corn that contains high amounts of sugar. Sweet corn is a result of the natural process of recessive mutation in the genes that control the conversion of sugar into starch inside the seed in the kernel. Unlike other types that are harvested when they are fully ripe and dry, the sweet type is picked immature and it is eaten as a vegetable, not as a grain.

Creates more starch as it is aging and because of that it is one of the few vegetables that are good sources of starch carbohydrates. It is an excellent source of fiber, calcium and Vitamin A, and contains smaller amounts of beta-carotene and niacin (substance of group B vitamins). Young corn is an excellent source of folic acid, which belongs to the group B vitamins and also is known as Vitamin B9 or M.

Sweet corn is one of the world’s grains that are used as flour for making bread, cereals, popcorn and of course, it is bred and sold as a vegetable.

Although it is best known for its yellow color also can be found in red, pink, black, purple and blue color. In different parts of the world it is harvested at different times. In Europe and China the harvesting begins in August and ends in October.

Sweet Corn

One cup of corn (about 166 grams) contains 606 calories; 1,526 grams protein and 12 grams dietary fiber. It is also rich with calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, selenium, manganese and copper.

Benefits from the Antioxidants

The antioxidants that can be found in all types of corn have great health benefits, but some recent research suggests that the benefits of different types of corn come from different combinations of the phytonutrients. In the case of the yellow corn, that is antioxidants from the group of carotenoids, with particularly high concentrations of lutein and zeaxanthin.

Thanks to the latest research it is known that the absorption of beta – carotene from yellow corn is only slightly compromised by high levels of lutein and zeaxanthin. In other words, it bombards you with all the health benefits of the carotenoids that they contain.

Antioxidant phytonutrient substances that are found in this sweet vegetable:

  • anthocyanins
  • beta-carotene
  • caffeic, coumaric and ferulic acid
  • lutein
  • syringic, vanillic and protocatechuic acid
  • zeaxanthin

Digestive Benefits of Corn

Everyone who had tasted freshly cooked corn or popcorn knows how satisfying this food is for chewing. Part of the pleasure is due to the fibers found in its composition. With 12 grams of fiber in one cup corn is a good source of fiber.

Fibers from corn are the key to its health benefits for the digestive tract. It can support the growth of “friendly” bacteria in the colon. These fatty acids can provide energy for intestinal cells and thus help in reducing the risk of bowel problems and problems with digestion, including the risk of colon cancer.

Benefits for the Blood Sugar

Given the good fiber content, that have ability to provide sufficient quantities of B -complex vitamins including B1, B5, folic acid and significant protein content, makes the corn food from which is expected benefit for the levels of blood sugar. Fibers and proteins are important macro-nutrients to stabilize the transition of food through the digestive tract.

Sufficient amount of fiber and protein helps to prevent too fast or too slow digestion.  As it reduces digestive pace at night, proteins and fiber can help to prevent too fast or too slow uptake of sugar from the digestive tract into the bloodstream.

It was revealed that consuming 1-2 cups is associated with better control of blood sugar levels in type 1 and type 2 – diabetes.

Other Health Benefits of Sweet Corn

  • It is known that corn is helpful in treating kidney diseases, including renal dysfunction.
  • Regular consumption of this vegetable is associated with improved cardiovascular health.
  • Good content of folic acid makes the this veggie good for creation of new cells, which is especially important before and during pregnancy.
  • Persons suffering from anemia have shown positive results after consuming corn.
  • The insoluble fiber makes it good for people who suffer from constipation or hemorrhoids.
  • Fascinating new area of research has shown that corn includes its potential anti – HIV activity. But of course, it needs more research to determine the exact relationship between daily consumption of corn as natural foods and risk of HIV infection.

Via: SFGate

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