Science Advisory Committee

About BGS

The BGS Science Advisory Committee (SAC) was recruited under the terms of the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) that the BGS signed with NERC following the creation of the BGS Board.

The composition of the SAC is:

  • Prof Carol Frost (committee chair): Professor Emerita, University of Wyoming
  • Dr Liz Fellman: director of strategy, planning and communications, Science and Technologies Facilities Council
  • Prof Christopher Jackson, Technical Director (Subsurface Storage), WSP
  • Prof David Manning, professor of soil science, Newcastle University
  • Prof Sarah Metcalfe, professor of earth and environmental dynamics, University of Nottingham; interim provost and CEO, University of Nottingham Malaysia
  • Dr Christopher Power, engineering geologist at Mott MacDonald specialising in geotechnical asset management, engineering rock geology and rock mechanics
  • Ruth Allington, engineering geologist in independent practice, specialising in the design of quarries and mines, and immediate past president of The Geological Society
  • Prof Neil Hyatt, chief scientific advisor to Nuclear Waste Services and Aegis Professor of deep time, University of Bristol
  • Prof Jennifer McKinley, professor of geology and mathematical geoscience, Queen’s University Belfast

Tenth Committee Meeting: 5-6 October (159.07 kb pdf)

Ninth Committee Meeting: 2-3 July 2023 (285 kb pdf)

Eighth Committee Meeting: 23 September 2022 (22 kb pdf)

Seventh Committee Meeting: 14 January 2022 (142.54 Kb pdf)

Sixth Committee Meeting: 11 June 2021 (98.40 Kb pdf)

Fifth Committee Meeting: 24 November 2020 (35 Kb pdf)

Fourth Committee meeting: 30 April 2020 (90 Kb pdf)

Third Committee meeting: 12 November 2019 (127 Kb pdf)

Second Committee meeting: 16 April 2019 (118 Kb pdf)

First Committee meeting: 16 November 2018 (113 Kb pdf)

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About BGS

As the national geological survey, we are the UK’s premier provider of objective and authoritative scientific data, information and knowledge to help society understand our Earth.

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Geologist using field tablet

Our work

Our vision is for a safer, more sustainable and prosperous planet and a future based on sound geoscientific solutions.

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BGS Board

Find out more about the BGS Board, including individual profiles, meeting summary notes, terms of reference and how to register your interest.

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Karen Hanghoj

Senior Management Board

The Senior Management Board is the main management decision-making body of the BGS.

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The BGS Strategy

Access our science strategy for 2023 to 2027, 'Understanding our Earth'

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