NGDC data management

BGS Data — National Geoscience Data Centre

The BGS maintains a wealth of data, information and other materials gathered throughout the history of the organisation. The data underpins the science undertaken by the BGS and the products and services we provide, and is also used by the wider geoscience community in the UK and beyond.

The data is managed by the BGS for the long-term benefit of all and is available online and without charge where possible. However, some data is still in analogue form or has not yet been processed for online delivery; in these cases, there may be a charge to cover the administration involved in data preparation and delivery. Some data may be subject to terms of use agreed with data providers.

BGS manages marine data, information and material as part of the National Geoscience Data Centre (NGDC) and the Marine Environment Data and Information Network (MEDIN) geology data archive centre (DAC).

Geological, geophysical and environmental data on the seabed and sub-seabed are used to underpin the marine geoscience undertaken by the BGS and the wider user community in the UK and beyond. The data are used for a range of purposes, including the creation of BGS products.

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The BGS information management (geology) project populates and maintains a number of key geological databases and other information systems.

This is done in collaboration with other teams within the survey who rely on these well-managed and mature datasets to carry out their research, and to create products, publications and services.

Hydrogeological data includes well records, groundwater-level time series and information on aquifer properties and hydrochemical analyses. While primarily focused on the UK, archival collections of overseas data and information are also held.


Geological data management

The BGS information management (geology) project populates and maintains a number of key geological databases and other information systems.

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Marine geoscience data

The BGS manages marine geological and geophysical data from the seabed and sub-seabed mainly from the United Kingdom Continental Shelf (UKCS) and adjacent area including MEDIN, SEA and NHDA data.

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Groundwater data

Data and information are fundamental to scientific progress. At BGS we gather and curate data from our own projects and from partners.

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Need more information?

For general NGR and NGDC enquiries or to arrange a visit, please phone 0115 936 3143 or contact our enquiries team

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