We have a considerable amount of data held in our archives and data collections. Much of this information has been indexed and databased allowing you to search, view and download our data collections online.

BRITROCKS: mineralogy and petrology collections database
The BGS mineralogy and petrology collections contain upwards of a million samples and can be searched using the BRTIROCKS database.

Strategic environmental assessment (SEA) data portal
Free access to available information and reports which have been produced through the Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy (BEIS) SEA process.

Borehole materials database
Databases of cores and sample types from over 20 000 onshore and UKCS offshore boreholes.

Groundwater levels
The BGS collects groundwater level data in many of our research projects and we host the National Groundwater Level Archive, the national repository for groundwater-level data.

Geomagnetic data
Models, services and measurements of real-time geomagnetism and magnetic fields for a multitude of sectors.

Sensor data
Real-time monitoring of environmental phenomena is a large and growing area of interest at the BGS and wider research communities.
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Applications, software and online services created by the BGS and our collaborators.