Gardening Landscaping Landscape Basics How to Create a DIY Dry Creek Bed in Your Yard Create an eye-catching, water-diverting dry river bed for your yard and watch your drainage woes disappear. By Viveka Neveln Viveka Neveln Viveka Neveln is the Garden Editor at BHG and a degreed horticulturist with broad gardening expertise earned over 3+ decades of practice and study. She has more than 20 years of experience writing and editing for both print and digital media. Learn about BHG's Editorial Process Updated on February 15, 2024 Reviewed by Sylvia Duax Reviewed by Sylvia Duax Sylvia Duax has over 15 years of experience as a professional Horticulturist with expertise in: sustainable garden maintenance techniques; Southeastern U.S., especially in the mid-Atlantic regional gardening; native plants; wildlife gardening; small space, urban and container gardening and community engagement. Learn about BHG's Gardening Review Board Close Photo: Ian Adams Project Overview Working Time: 8 hours Total Time: 8 hours Skill Level: Beginner Estimated Cost: $3 to $5 sq. ft. A dry creek bed manages a common landscape challenge—drainage—with an easy-does-it approach that fits most budgets. In some situations, a dry creek bed simply directs and disperses water that would typically puddle and stand for a few days. In other cases, a dry bed transforms into a temporary stream. In the process, it adds beauty to the setting, whether wet or dry. If your yard is plagued with a soggy area after downpours or a slope that's slowly eroding, a dry creek bed corrals and redirects water. By creating a channel, a dry creek drains water when insufficient slope fails to do so. 5 Smart Solutions for Dealing with Poor Drainage in Your Yard What You'll Need Equipment / Tools Backhoe Shovel Tamper Materials Landscape fabric Crushed pea gravel River rock, various sizes 4 large flat-top rocks Mixed cement Instructions How to Create a Dry Creek Bed A dry creek bed may be as large or small as your yard permits. To determine the right location, look for the natural lay of the land in your yard and watch how water flows during heavy rainfall. Construction is the easy part. It's careful planning that ensures the design's success. Before digging, make sure you understand elevations and which way you're directing water, especially if the dry creek will be near existing structures. Drain water away from the house and direct runoff into a landscape drainage system, such as a French drain, swale, or channel, on your property. Don't assume you can direct water into a public street without researching local ordinances. Excavate Site Evaluate your yard to determine the location and size of your dry creek bed. After determining the size and shape of the dry stream bed, excavate 12-15 inches of soil. This can be done with a backhoe or a shovel. Place Landscape Fabric Tamp the ground firm to create a flat surface with angled sides. Then, place landscape fabric over the entire surface, including the angled sides of the dry creek. This will prevent weeds from popping through. The 9 Best Landscape Fabrics for a Weed-Free Garden Lay Gravel in Dry Creek Bed Cover the bottom and the sloping sides of the dry creek bed with 1/2 inch of crushed pea gravel. The sharp edges of the gravel will keep it from migrating when it rains or when someone walks on it. 7 Landscape Design Tips for Beginners Add River Rock Edges Add river rock along the edges of the dry creek bed for a natural look. Use various sizes, from 2 to 8 inches in length. You can create a single row of rocks or a larger border with a few rows. In addition to size, consider the rock's color. A monochromatic look will give your yard a different ambience than a blend of neutrals. How to Make a Rock Garden Add Bridge Supports Position four large flat-top rocks so they can support a flagstone bridge. Anchor the stones in place with cement so they won't move with freezing and thawing. Then, place the large flagstone piece on the supports. Add These Updates to Your Yard How to Make a Steppingstone Path How to Pour Concrete Steps for a Porch or Outdoor Entryway 35 Paver Patio Ideas to Upgrade Your Outdoor Living Space Water Garden Ideas to Create a Backyard Landscape 14 Easy Landscaping Ideas to Create Lots of Visual Variety