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A recent appointment of Rothschild as �financial advisor� by the Board of Directors of gold exploration company Spanish Mountain Gold is yet another unmistakable indication that the ancient family is moving the world�s gold supply to both �emerging markets� and Central Banks worldwide, strengthening the family�s monopoly position when the fiat-based house of cards comes crashing down in the West.
The Board of Directors of the British Columbia based gold exploration company appointed Rothschild to �review strategic options with the objective of maximizing shareholder value.�
In July of 2012, Spanish Mountain Gold�s CEO Brian Groves boasted already that the excavation in British Columbia is a project worth �several million ounces in gold� and is backed by �an enormous network of connections globally�, Groves told Resource Clips.
Indeed, this recent appointment of Rothschild�s financial expertise (from centuries worth of experience) has increased the value of this company somewhat, propelling the gold-producing company into newer heights (or depths), depending on what end of the gold bar you find yourself. It also is a sure sign that the family is tightening its grip on gold, in both the excavation, the producing and the trading phase.
In the beginning of this century there were signs that Rothschild was starting to pull back from gold.
With the announcement of Lord Jacob Rothschild that his �investment vehicle� RIT Capital Partners �has ridden the rally in gold prices but will now incrementally sell down� many observers were led to believe the ancient house was abandoning the precious stuff.
Jacob Rothschild stated in 2011:
Already in 2004 Rothschild blew the horn, announcing with a loud voice (that tends to carry far and wide throughout the world�s financial community) that the family was withdrawing from its gold-based assets.
In April of 2004 the Telegraph reported:
In 2011, an analysis makes clear how and why Rothschild manipulates the price of gold downward:
Despite these earlier indications that Rothschild was backing away from its gold assets (which smell like the calculated diversion techniques of an experienced illusionist), the recent appointment in the Spanish Mountain project is a clear sign that gold is still foremost on the mind of the family, as it has been for many centuries past.
These earlier maneuverings by Rothschild seem to suggest a consciously constructed effort to bring down the price of gold- with the aim of buying large quantities later on, when the price was especially low.
The reason for such a move is explained by Jeff Thomas in February 2012, when he wrote:
For this reason, Thomas argued, the hoarding of gold is being done with the aim of redistributing it later on to those nations (or supra-nations, such as the EU and China) the elite have destined to be the future global engines after the old one has been discarded:
As Edmond de Rothschild�s France-based asset management company analyzes for 2013, the so called �emerging markets� are increasingly scooping great chunks of gold from the world�s supply:
Another document (below images) issued by Edmond de Rothschild�s �Goldsphere�-enterprise analyzes the global gold-trade, the buyers, the sellers, the winners and the losers.
In one of its assessments the global elite recognizes that European nations are reluctant to sell their gold stocks and the current trend is a continuous rover of gold towards the East:
While all the major strongholds of the elite are being abandoned in the US, new lairs are being set up in China.
The document concludes by saying that gold-producing companies and miners are not sufficiently riding the wave of ever-rising gold prices:
This puts the recent �appointment� of Rothschild by Spanish Mountain Gold somewhat into perspective doesn�t it?
It seems the ancient House of Rothschild has feigned a retreat from gold in the beginning of this century, only to then snatch it again at a good prize and move it into the East - their future global engine.
When Baron Benjamin de Rothschild was asked by Israeli newspaper Haaretz what the family�s intentions are in regards to China, he answered unhesitatingly,
As the elite�s engine of control is incrementally deconstructed in the West, the world�s gold is gradually moving towards its new engine in the East.