What is the lifespan for a Biewer Terrier?

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The average lifespan for a Biewer Terrier ranges from 14 to 16 years. Some Biewers live as long as 18 years.
Biewer Terriers as all Toy breed dogs live much longer and get older than larger dogs. Big dogs usually develop age-related issues earlier in their life than small dogs. A healthy diet plays a big role in the lifespan of a Biewer Terrier.

Lifespan of the Biewer Terrier

Genetics can play an important role in a Biewer Terrier’s lifespan. Rocky Mountain Biewer Terriers are DNA tested for over 210 Health Risks, canine diseases. DNA testing prevents genetic problems from passing on to our puppies. You can review test results for our breeding dogs here.

AKC Breeder

RMBT is an AKC Bred with HEART. breeder. We pledge to uphold the program values of Health, Education, Accountability, Responsibility, and Tradition. We are certified by the HEART program and health screens are performed as recommended.

AKC Breeder Health

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Karen Hansen @Rocky Mountain Biewer Terriers

You can text me at (970)882-3299.

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