The story begins in the aisles of a local thrift store, where a bride-to-be stumbled upon a wedding dress tagged at an ...
A woman who bought a $5.5K cashmere cape for just $7.99 from the thrift store says she saves $15k-a-year on designer clothes by rummaging through the rails. Anna Gantt, 26, started out as a model ...
Dive into the world of sustainable style with these Singapore-born labels that combine beautiful aesthetics and planet-loving ...
SEATTLE — This winter, free clothing banks are experiencing unprecedented demand, driven by a combination of inflation, ...
Some might consider them competitors, but six local nonprofit thrift stores have banded together to let people know that ...
If the wedding dress is in a keepsake box, ask the store clerk if you can open it to inspect the gown. If they cannot or will ...