In a study, "Acceleration of Brain Atrophy and Progression From Normal Cognition to Mild Cognitive ... these factors interact and influence the aging brain. More information: Study: Yuto Uchida ...
Although age-related brain atrophy is an unavoidable ... blood sugar levels and achieve normal glucose status experienced a more pronounced attenuation of brain aging. Notably, those who consumed ...
Researchers identify associations between B12 levels currently accepted as normal and markers of neurological injury or ...
But the brain may also play an unexpected role in a universal phenomenon: aging. Aging is a complex multiorgan process ... than their peers with normal Ppp1r17 activity. The multifaceted effects of ...
Kuzniecky et al. expressed concerns about the differences between normal aging-related cerebral atrophy observed in our healthy controls and those reported in a previous study, which showed ...
Brain Metabolism in Neurodegenerative Disorders Compared with normal aging, CMR glc has a transitioning increase in patients with mild cognitive impairment (MCI). The increase of CMR glc (measured ...
A new artificial intelligence model measures how fast a patient's brain is aging and could be a powerful new tool for understanding, preventing and treating cognitive decline and dementia, according ...