Conjugation of German verbs - All forms with examples and rules
Conjugate more than 23,000 regular and irregular German verbs. The conjugation of verbs shows you all finite and infinite forms in a verb table. To display all tenses, grammar and meanings, simply enter a verb or verb form in the input field of the conjugator.
German verb conjugation - Reverso
German conjugation: the best way to learn how to conjugate a German verb. Write the infinitive or a conjugated form and the German Conjugator will provide you a list of all the verb tenses and persons: future, participle, present, preterite, auxiliary verb.
German Verb Conjugations - German with Laura
May 13, 2023 · German verb conjugations are used in 6 tenses (of the indicative mood), and in two additional moods (the subjunctive and imperative). We use German verb conjugations to talk about actions in the past, present, and future (e.g. I was, I am, I will be).
Netzverb Dictionary - Inflection of German verbs, nouns and …
Conjugation and declension of more than 160,000 German verbs, nouns and adjectives in detail with examples, rules, voice output and downloads.
Your Guide to German Conjugation of Verbs (Charts + Examples)
Aug 2, 2024 · German verbs are conjugated according to their subject (point of view/pronoun). Schwache (weak), starke (strong), and gemischte (mixed) verbs each follow distinct conjugation guidelines. Find the Infinitiv (infinitive) and Stamm (stem) of a …
Verb Tables for the 50 Most Common German Verbs
Oct 2, 2012 · CollinsDictionary.com now has full verb conjugation tables for over 5,000 German verbs. Enter the root form of the verb, for example arbeiten.
1 Also used as a reflexive verb, i.e. sich bewegen, e.g. Die Erde bewegt sich um die Sonne (The Earth moves/revolves around the sun) 2 When used in the meaning “to frighten someone”, it’s a weak verb: Ich erschreckte ihn (I frightened him). 3 essen is for eating done by humans, not by animals. See fressen.
Collins German Verb Conjugations - Collins Online Dictionary
The most trusted free online German Conjugations with authoritative definitions, example sentences, images, audio & video pronunciations, synonyms and collocations.
German conjugation chart - Language Blueprints
This comprehensive chart simplifies complex German grammar rules and offers clear explanations of each verb form. It’s the perfect tool for beginners and intermediate learners alike, so get your copy today and start mastering the language.
German Verb Conjugations, Conjugation List - verbtime.com
here you can conjugate any German verb (regular, irregular, reflexive, and passive verb forms)