1. Landau Scale

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    The Landau scale has different meanings in physics:
    1. Lev Landau's ranking of physicists: Nobel-Prize-winning physicist Lev Landau used a logarithmic scale to rank the best physicists of the 20th century based on their contributions to science.
    2. Landau levels: In quantum mechanics, the energies of cyclotron orbits of charged particles in a uniform magnetic field are quantized to discrete values, known as Landau levels.
    3. Landau pole: In physics, the Landau pole is the momentum scale at which the coupling constant of a quantum field theory becomes infinite.
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  2. Landau Genius Scale ranking of the …

    Sep 28, 2020 · Nobel-Prize-winning Soviet physicist Lev Landau used a scale to rank the best physicists of the 20th century. The physicist based it on their level of contribution to science.

  3. Lev Landau - Wikipedia

  4. EoHT.info

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  6. Who are smartest physicists according to Lev Landau?

    Jan 12, 2021 · Having known and worked with them for some time, Landau devised a genius logarithmic scale. It is a 0-5 ranking of physicists based on the amount of contributions made. He could maintain this ranking system only …

  7. Landau levels - Wikipedia

  8. Landau pole - Wikipedia

  9. Lev Landau: 'Utterly repellent' or a kind …

    Sep 29, 1990 · Landau also classified physicists on a logarithmic scale of 1 to 5, with Einstein and Newton at .5, and Bohr, Dirac, Heisenberg and Fermi at 1. He classed himself as 2.5, later 2.

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  11. Condensed concepts: Ranking Landau - Blogger

    Apr 25, 2011 · Landau kept a list of names of physicists which he ranked on a logarithmic scale of productivity ranging from 0 to 5. The highest ranking, 0.5, was assigned to Albert Einstein.