Logo Hospital The Logo Hospital

Has your logo been faxed, copied and scanned beyond all recognition? Maybe you just have it in a low resolution (it looks terrible when you resize it). Maybe you made it yourself and just need it cleaned up a bit. Email us what you have. We'll send you a free logo repair quote within 1 business day. Our logo repair prices start from just $50. (We promise to send only your free quote. No follow-ups, no reminders, no special offers and no other junk email. Just your quote - just once - within 1 business day. Read our full privacy policy here.)

For your free logo repair quote, attach your current logo to an email and send it off to:

[email protected]

VERY IMPORTANT: Please make the subject of your email "logo repair". We receive a lot of spam at this address and automatically delete anything that does not have these magic words in the subject line ;)

File Formats

You can send your logo to us in any image format.

The repaired logo will be delivered to you in industry-standard vector (print) and raster (screen) formats. Specifically we supply the logo in:

EPS / AI / CDR - The original, editable vector art
PDF - perfect for printing
JPG (color) - 300 dpi color JPG
JPG (grayscale) - 300 dpi, made for low cost printing
JPG (black and white) - handy for faxes, copies etc.
PNG - With a transparent background, perfect for your web site
PSD - 300 dpi, with layers to make editing the logo easy
GIF - Four different sizes

Additional formats supplied on request, at no extra charge.


A word from the owner of Biz-Logo.com

We love logo facelifts! And why not. Starting with something that isn't quite good enough and making it as good as we possibly can is very satisfying!

Chances are that repairing or even completely redesigning your old logo will cost a lot less than you think. If you accept the quotation we send and you are not convinced that the repaired logo is worth every penny we will refund your money in full. No questions asked.

Your free, no-obligation logo repair quote will be in your inbox within 1 business day.

Here's that email address again:

[email protected]

Logo Repair QuoteLogo Repair Example

Logo Redesign Example

Logo From a Drawing

Logo Redesign

"When I decided to use your company to fix my Logo, the price was low enough for me to give it a try even though I did not know you. Because of the low price, my expectations on service were not that high. I want to tell you how pleased I am with what you have done for me. I received incredible value for my dollar. You did not just repair the logo but you also gave me color choices and font choices, gave advice on the best options, tested the logo the way I needed it to work and were responsive in my request for other formats."