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Founded in August of 2011, BloomNation is a trusted community marketplace for people to list, discover, and send unique bouquets handcrafted by local florists across the country. Whether you’re looking for the traditional dozen roses or a one-of-a-kind design, BloomNation lets you discover and send the perfect gift. With our epic customer service and growing community of florists, BloomNation is the easiest and most reliable way for ordering flowers online.
With BloomNation, you’re not just sending flowers—you’re supporting small businesses and celebrating artistry with every arrangement.
Images from Seed Floral (West Hollywood, CA) & Brooklyn Blooms (Brooklyn, NY)
Unlike mass-produced arrangements, our flowers are delivered fresh, never boxed.
Every bouquet is crafted by a local floral expert, ensuring quality and creativity.
Discover one-of-a-kind floral creations tailored to your special occasions.
Farbod drives BloomNation's vision, strategy and growth. An economics graduate from University of California, Berkeley, Farbod has always had a passion for understanding business models creating solutions for the greater good. Prior to BloomNation, Farbod was an analyst in Mergers & Acquisitions and corporate strategy. Farbod's favorite flower is the Casablanca Lily.
With thousands of both florists and their products in the marketplace, Gregg is responsible for keeping BloomNation a well-oiled machine. A Business Economics and Accounting graduate from University of California, Santa Barbara, Gregg has consulted for market leaders and wholesalers for the majority of his professional career. Gregg's favorite flowers are orchids.
BloomNation is part of the Promenade Group.