Charity Book Donations
Booktopia has partnered with Good360 to help manage our growing book donation program.
Good360 is an Australian Not For Profit (NFP) organisation that has matched over 2600 Australian charities, NFPs and schools (with a below average ICSEA ranking) with essential, brand new goods.
Click here to learn more about Good360’s goods for a greater cause.
If your organisation is an Australian registered charity, not for profit or school, please visit Good360 to see the collection of books and the wide range of other goods available.
Booktopia’s Book Donations
Booktopia has a long history of supporting charity and literacy programmes. To date, Booktopia has donated over $1 million worth of books to programs run by the Cathy Freeman Foundation, the Indigenous Literacy Foundation, multiple other charities, school programmes and other social impact initiatives.
Will Booktopia donate books for my fundraiser/event or organisation?
Due to the scale and complexity of our Distribution Centre and its automation systems it’s not possible for us to fulfill an ad-hoc donation request. We have therefore made the decision to partner with Good360 to help us manage a program of regular bulk donations. Registered charities, NFPs and schools with a below average ICSEA ranking will qualify to receive donations.
For more information on registering please visit Good360.
Why are you using a partner?
Partnering with Good360 allows us to consolidate our donation program in order to donate regular bulk quantities. This means we can donate more books than we ever have before. Good360 also allows these books to be available to a wider range of charities, which helps us to help even more Australians.
What if I want a donation of vouchers instead of books?
Unfortunately we are unable to facilitate donations of cash or vouchers. Instead, we donate physical books via Good360.