Storybooks and games

Here you can find lots of lovely interactive books to read online or watch with signing.

There are classic children's stories that we think you and your family will love, including Hairy Maclary from Donaldson's Dairy by Lynley Dodd to Owl Babies by Martin Waddell and Patrick Benson, along with newer favourites such as Chris Haughton's Oh No, George! and Everybunny Dance! by Ellie Sandall.

Our storybooks and games are free to use, however some older devices aren't able to support them. You can also watch our Storytime playlist on YouTube read by the likes of Ore Oduba, Adam Buxton, Fearne Cotton and many more.

We also have lots of free online games for children to enjoy. Whether you’re after number games, puzzle games, colouring or interactive storybooks, there are lots of fun activities to try!

Story books to read online

Open Very Carefully

Look out, Open Very Carefully is a book with bite! Read along or watch with signing.

Everybunny Dance

Join the bunnies while they dance and play but look out for the unexpected visitor... Will you join in their dance?

A Hole In The Bottom Of The Sea

Read along with this fishy tale of what hides in the hole in the bottom of the sea

Oh No, George

What has George done now? Read along with George as he tries to be good.

Some Dogs Do

Enjoy this reading of the great Some Dogs Do.

If You're Happy and You Know it

If you're happy and you know it, sing along with this timeless classic.

Hairy Maclary from Donaldson's Dairy

Join Hairy Maclary and his friends as they take a walk into town.

Baby's Day

This online storybook is a great way for little ones to explore everyday routines.

Owl Babies

Have the wonderful Owl Babies read out loud to you.

Lulu Loves Stories

Enjoy this story as Lulu does and explore hearing it in many different languages.

The Boy on the Bus

Listen or read along with The Boy on the Bus sing-along interactive storybook by Penny Dale. Climb aboard and join in the fun!

Rumble in the Jungle

Enjoy the sights and sounds of the jungle with this reading of Rumble in the Jungle.

The Dragon Machine

Enjoy the story and see if you can spot dragons when you're out and about!

Ugly Duckling and Friends

Read along or listen to the story of Ugly Duckling and Friends, then take a take a walk meeting the friends and solving puzzles along the way.

Storytime videos to watch

Kids' games to play

At the Seaside

Counting is made fun while exploring the beach.

Do the Animal Bop

Read, dance and sing along to the Animal Bop!

Faces and Feelings

Help your child to explore different faces and feelings through this game.


Choose a jigsaw to play.

Jungle Picture Maker

Have fun getting creative with the Jungle Picture Maker... but look out for the lions!

Share the Fun

Activities to help you have fun sharing stories, books and rhymes with your child every day.


Collect all the Letterflies then see if you can read the word they spell out!

Make your mark

A fun drawing tool to help encourage your child with mark making and painting.

Colouring Pages

Choose a design and colour it in!

Shape Game

Use your imagination and drawing skills to play the shape game.

BookTrust HomeTime

Looking for something fun as a family? Enjoy storytime with our free online books and videos, play games, win prizes, test your knowledge in our book-themed quizzes, or even learn how to draw some of your favourite characters.

Go to the HomeTime hub

More HomeTime fun

HomeTime 0-5

HomeTime activities for 0-5 year olds

We’ve put together some fun stories and activities to help keep you and your child entertained when you’re at home.


Time to rhyme

Use our playlists and downloads to create your own rhymetime fun for little ones. Sing along to favourites like Old MacDonald and get to know some brilliant new rhymes, too.


Activities to print out and enjoy

Word searches, puzzles, colouring sheets and lots of creative inspiration. Print out our activity sheets to keep boredom at bay and have fun together.