How to Plan a Bachelorette Party Scavenger Hunt—Plus, Some Ideas to Try

Organizing a competition will make this pre-wedding event unforgettable.

Woman taking selfie with two friends while wearing pink silk robes and holding glasses of Champagne

Light Field Studios / Getty Images

If you’re planning a bachelorette party for the bride-to-be, adding a few games to the itinerary is guaranteed to elevate the pre-wedding celebration. While some options are overdone and others can feel like forced fun, a scavenger hunt is a unique choice that will get everyone excited to participate. Whether the group is required to work together or on competing teams, this activity allows attendees to let loose, connect with one another, and make lasting memories. “Scavenger hunts encourage bonding with the bride’s guests who may not have known each other prior to the event,” says bachelorette party planner Allison Odhner. “It’s a way to engage with other people while out and about and can also prompt the group to explore and visit new places."

Meet the Expert

Allison Odhner is the CEO of Bach to Basic, a luxury, all-inclusive bachelor and bachelorette party planning service. She launched her company in 2016, and she’s been working in the event planning industry for 15 years.

Not to mention, a scavenger hunt is easy to arrange and execute—all it requires is a little creativity, and it doesn’t cost a dime. The game is also versatile, so you can incorporate it into any trip, whether it’s a local escapade or a weekend away, and at any point during the party. 

Think a scavenger hunt will make an excellent addition to your affair? We’ve created a full guide to orchestrating one. Ahead, how to plan a bachelorette party scavenger hunt, plus ideas to consider.

How to Plan a Bachelorette Party Scavenger Hunt

A bachelorette party scavenger hunt is an interactive game that can take on a variety of different forms. Most consist of challenges to complete, like finding a list of items or crossing off certain tasks, according to Odhner. The nature of the game also varies: With some scavenger hunts, the whole group works together to finish the puzzle, but in other instances, guests are broken into separate teams to foster competition, Odhner notes. Oftentimes, the host will gear the activity toward the bride’s interests, background, or relationship, but you can also make yours more generic.

Wondering how to plan your hunt? Follow this step-by-step guide below.

Identify the Tasks and Challenges You Want to Include

There are so many creative ideas to incorporate into your scavenger hunt. First, figure out the format of the game. Do you want guests to complete a series of tasks, like buying a souvenir from the local gift shop or shouting a funny announcement at a bar? Or, do you want them to find certain items, such as a famous landmark or the restaurant where the bride and her future spouse had their first date? 

You’ll also want to determine if the game will follow a certain theme (Odhner offers suggestions, like Western cowgirl, mountain-chic, or beachy), incorporate the brides’ interests (whether it’s her favorite candy or activity, per Odhner), or include more general items. Then, make a list of the chosen tasks and challenges. We recommend typing them out and then printing copies to distribute to each guest.

Nail Down the Best Location

A bachelorette party scavenger hunt can take place in virtually any location, but the spot you select depends on where you’re celebrating, of course. For instance, a pre-wedding affair in Charleston might occur on King Street, whereas one in New York City could happen in Central Park. For a more engaging experience, Odhner recommends hopping around to a number of different places—just make sure you have available transportation if those sites aren’t within walking distance.

Determine a Start and End Time

Next, choose a start time that fits into your schedule. “You can do this at the beginning of a night out while bar hopping along the main street or after brunch while exploring a certain area,” Odhner poses. You’ll also want to determine an end time, so the scavenger hunt doesn’t run on and on. “I would recommend that the scavenger hunt lasts no more than two hours,” Odhner advises. For those with a competitive flair, if not everyone finishes in time, the team that accomplishes the most tasks or finds the most items will be awarded the winner. 

Coordinate Teams

Not every bachelorette party scavenger hunt will be centered around a competition, but if that’s the route you want to take, make sure to designate different teams. “Teams can be coordinated in advance based on who you think would be a good fit with each other, or you can draw names out of a hat and see what you get,” Odhner says. If you’re inviting a smaller crowd, two teams will suffice, but for groups larger than 20, Odhner suggests breaking everyone up into several teams.

Explain the Directions

Once the bachelorette party rolls around and the time comes to participate in this activity, you’ll want to communicate the guidelines and explain the directions to your guests. After gathering everyone around, provide an overview of the game, outline the boundaries of the location, and specify a time limit. If there are different teams, make sure to tell the group with whom they’ll be collaborating. Whether the group will be finding certain objects or performing specific tasks, you’ll need proof—an easy way is having the team designate a certain person to take photos or videos of each. Finally, if there’s competition included, tease the winning team’s reward. 

How to Make Your Bachelorette Party Scavenger Hunt Memorable

In addition to following all of the above logistics, a successful bachelorette party scavenger hunt is one that’s memorable. Here’s how to make a lasting impression with yours. 

Personalize It

Personalizing your scavenger hunt with a list of bride-approved items, like ordering her go-to sandwich or visiting her favorite beach, isn’t a requirement, but it will add a special touch. “This makes it much more fun and not a cookie-cutter experience that guests might have already done at a previous party,” Odhner explains. Plus, the woman of the hour will appreciate the gesture, and everyone will get to know the bride-to-be better by partaking in the activity. 

Make It Fun

Odhner encourages you to infuse your game with surprises and unique activities to make your scavenger hunt one of a kind. “Include a couple more active tasks, such as a relay or finding a secret place in a bar,” she offers.

Create Some Competition

Dividing up the group into two or more teams will keep everyone more engaged and motivated to play. You can even enact a point system, where the tasks or items are associated with a certain number of points, and whoever racks up the most points wins. To introduce more of an incentive, consider offering prizes to the winning team, whether it’s a glass of Champagne or a gift bag of the bride-to-be’s favorite products.

Ideas for Your Bachelorette Party Scavenger Hunt

There are truly an unlimited number of themes and formats to choose from for your bachelorette party scavenger hunt, but we’ve outlined a few of them below.

A Night on the Town

If hitting the bars is part of the plan, consider planning a scavenger hunt that takes place during a night out. We love the idea of having bar-related tasks on your list, such as getting someone to buy the bride a shot, voluntarily dancing on the table, or asking the DJ to play the bride’s favorite song. It doesn’t matter where your bachelorette party is occurring to pull off this theme.

A Beach-Themed Game

From Miami to San Diego, beaches are popular destinations for bachelorette parties. If yours is taking place by the shore, create a location-specific game. Have guests find and take pictures of beach-related items, like a seashell, sea glass, and a seagull.

A Treasure Hunt

Instead of finding a list of items or doing certain activities, why not have the group solve a riddle? Implementing a treasure hunt is a unique option that facilitates teamwork and problem-solving. Come up with a list of clues that you’ll hide in various locations and that everyone will need to solve in order to get one step closer to the hidden treasure. While this is definitely an exciting experience for your guests, it requires more time and thought on your part, so make sure you plan this type of scavenger hunt well in advance.

A Classic Concept

You don’t need a specific theme to bring this game to life. Sticking with classic tasks that are centered around relationships and weddings is always an option. Consider compiling a list of challenges, such as finding a guy with the groom’s name, making a veil out of toilet paper, trying on a wedding dress, and proposing to a stranger.

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