
How Reading Rewires Your Brain
Confucius said, “Without knowing the force of words, it is impossible to know men.”
The largest part of your brain is the cerebrum (Suh-Ree-Bruhm). The folds and bumps give it an-other-worldly look. It’s divided into two halves and they are connected by the corpus callosum (Kor-Pus-Kuh-Loh-Suhm). It has a big job—helping you to do what you want to do; it controls memory, speech, intelligence, emotions and personality. We all use both sides of our brain, but the left side is adept at logic, organization, math, grammar and vocabulary; and, the right side of your body.

Second-Hand Smoke Issues
What is Secondhand Smoke? Secondhand smoke consists of the plume of chemicals and burning agents that come off the tip of a lit cigarette, cigar or pipe, including the smoke that is released from the mouth of a smoker. It is hard to escape. If someone in your home only smoked in one room, the chemicals created can spread quickly from room to room and can hang around for almost five hours.

Examining the Science Behind Foam Rollers
Some fad health and fitness items belong in the garbage, but here is one thing you might want to add into your routine: A foam roller. If you have one in the back of your closet, learn to use it.

Will Mankind Make it to Mars?
The Red Planet has always been visible from Earth. It’s a tiny red speck in the sky that you can cover with your thumb, yet it remains millions of miles away. Mankind has had their eyes on Mars for quite a while — and we’re inching ever closer to landing the first crews there.

5 Tips to Keep Your Hormones Happy & in Balance
When your hormones are out of wack it can lead to weight gain, fatigue and general ill health. What can we do about it?

Reusable Rockets Could Make Space Travel Cheaper and Greener: How Close are We?
Fabric grocery bags. Stainless steel water bottles. Insulated lunch bags. Rechargeable batteries. Plastic plates. Cloth diapers.
When will we have reusable materials for space travel?

3 Emerging Benefits of the Medical Marijuana Revolution
Despite marijuana being criminalized in 1937, today most Americans look on the medical use of marijuana favorably. Find out why tide is turning against pot prohibition.

All About Dark Matter: What is This Mysterious Substance?
Dark matter: it sounds like a sinister creation in a science fiction novel, but it’s probably much more real than that. Most scientists believe that dark matter accounts for over 80% of all matter in the universe. Researchers don’t know exactly what is it and where it is, but they have theories.

Life Sciences Faces an Uncertain Political Future: How Does the Life Science Community Prove Its Worth?
Election hype is nearing a fever pitch in the US, and there are still 8 months before the country chooses its new president. But the life sciences community is already bracing for the impact a new administration will have on research and development, regardless of which party wins the White House.

Holes in Scientific Research May be Helpful: Scientific Research is Biased, and We Should Stop Pretending That is a Bad Thing
Recent claims of experimenter bias, fraud, manipulation, and poorly executed research have led the world of medical science to come under fire from several directions.