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55 Northern Boulevard
Great Neck


SAT I, II, ACT, AP, Olympiad, AMC8,10,12, AIME, USAMO, Great Neck, Long Island, New York, After School program 4th to 8th. SSAT, SHSAT test prep, 유학, 뉴욕,롱아일랜드 


USE CODE: EARLY15 for 15% off all courses (deadline: april 15th)


We at Brown Academy are dedicated to fostering our students to academic excellence in higher learning. We take great pride in our student's accomplishments and believe that everyone deserves a top-tier education. Come visit us today and let us head towards a brighter future together.

  • WE are on INSTAGRAm at "BROWN_ACADEMY". IF YOU WANT MORE INFOrmation on our center, PLEASE follow our account. THANK YOU.

Mrs. and Mr. Kim (Directors / Founders of Brown Academy)


AP Courses

These college-level classes offer challenging course work in a wide variety of subjects to offer a taste of what college classes are like. Our certified teachers are trained to assist you in:

  • Biology

  • Chemistry

  • Physics

  • US History

  • World and European History

  • English

Learn More →

After School

We keep our students motivated and academically challenged beyond the school day.

Program includes assistance towards:

  • English & Math

  • Homework Help

  • School Test Prep


  • ELA, State Exam Prep

  • NYS Regents Prep

4th - 8th Grade

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