Information about Travel and Visas

We hope you’ll have travel opportunities during your stay in the U.S., whether to explore other parts of the U.S., to visit your home country, or to visit other places for holidays or professional activities.

When to Avoid Travel

While we encourage you to travel for holidays, vacations, conferences, etc., there may be times when it is neither practical nor possible to depart the U.S. You may not have the documentation necessary for re-entry to the U.S. to continue your activities. Examples include:

  • If your visa has expired. If so, you must have enough time to renew your visa. You will not be allowed to re-enter without a valid visa.
  • If you are still waiting for F-1 OPT approval after completing all program requirements.
  • If you are in the process of extending or changing your status.
  • If you are in the process of applying for F-1 reinstatement.