UB student wearing a UB branded hat.

Trademarks and Licensing

The standards and guidance outlined within this site apply to all business practices universitywide.

UB Trademarks and Licensing manages the proper use of the University at Buffalo’s name, logos and signature marks to protect the integrity of the university’s identity, brand and reputation. All employees and students, as well as outside vendors, must work with our representatives to create branded apparel or other merchandise with any UB lockup, mark or name.

For Faculty, Staff and Students

For Vendors

  • Vendor Guidance
    How to obtain an official trademark license with the university and become an authorized vendor as well as product approval process for current vendors.
Looking for Approvals?

If you have questions about UB’s Trademarks and Licensing process or an outstanding order that needs approval, please contact us at [email protected]

Accessibility Training Available

A free online educational resource is available through Deque University to improve your web accessibility knowledge and skill set. The full curriculum contains over 30 courses on creating accessible documents, testing and more, which are extremely valuable skills for web developers, content editors and all faculty and staff who create online materials.

> Please register to access Deque University courses.