Learn Data Science for Business

Become a Data Scientist in our online courses

Earn 6 figures or more in 6 months or less by learning R, Shiny, Machine Learning, Time Series, Web Apps, AWS, Cloud, and more!

Learn by following an expert data scientist code

Learn as your virtual mentor, Matt Dancho, walks you through large-scale data science projects
With our community of 6,284+ data scientists, get answers at the speed of learning
Apply your new skills to your job immediately

Learn more in our free masterclass 👉

And, get a special webinar-only discount on the 5-Course R-Track.

The only Data Science Training that is designed to accelerate your Career Path

Start your data science career by learning how to analyze data and business problems. Use software, code, data analytics, and AI skills that will help your Data Science Career launch to the next level. Follow our R-Track Career Path to earn 6-figures or more as a Data Analyst, Data Scientist, or Senior Data Scientist.

Career Path R-Track Program

✅ Discover What Businesses Want

Identify what business owners truly want & deliver exactly what they need.

✅ Follow a Proven Framework

Solve data science problems with a system that works!

✅ Gain Business Project Experience Day 1

Manage projects for clients with a track record of success.

✅ Beginner Friendly

No math, statistics, or coding experience required.

✅ Use Our Cheat Sheets and Frameworks

Simplify tasks with instant access to data science cheat sheets.

✅ Learn Programming for Business

Step by step progressive learning modules that fast track results.

✅ Collaborate With Our Community of 6,284+ Data Scientists

Open platform learning with an experienced Data Science Community.

✅ Learn High-Performance Machine Learning Tools

Complete data analysis in minutes.

✅ Build 8 Amazing Projects for your Job Portfolio

Build a portfolio of work that shows your expertise to potential clients.

More Ways to Start Learning Data Science:

Data Science Workshops

LIVE Data Science Workshop of the Month

Join us monthly for industry workshops and data analytics training.

Sign Up for our Next LIVE Data Science Workshop! 👉

Data Science Workshops

40-Minute Data Science Masterclass

Learn about our program and get an special discount.

Watch the Free 40-Minute R-Track Masterclass! 👉

Data Science Workshops

155-Page Data Science E-Book

Learn what's ahead of you in your data science journey (and cut your path in half)

Cut Your Data Science Journey in Half! 👉

Imagine filling your job portfolio with these...

These Shiny web apps are 3 of 8 projects you make in our R-Track data science courses.

Companies need you to build apps like these. Add these to your job portfolio to stand out. Try the web applications you make in the 5-Course R-Track (3 of 8 projects you make in the courses).

Sales Demand Forecast Application

Sales Demand Forecast Prediction

(Course 4)

Build and deploy a machine learning model inside an app that forecasts sales demand daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, and yearly.

Sales Demand Forecast Application

Price Prediction & Recommendation

(Course 4)

Build and deploy a web app that uses machine learning to recommend prices based on a product portfolio, detect product gaps, & improve consistency.

Stock AnalyzerApplication

Stock Analyzer App

(Course 5)

Make a financial application for analyzing trends in your favorite SP 500 stocks. Deploy the app on AWS EC2 and MongoDB Atlas Cloud for managing multiple business users.

R-Tips Newsletter

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Discover the latest information for data science. Explore our exclusive articles and join the discussion with over 82,000+ data science professionals! Get immediate notice for course start dates and access to free tools that catapult your data science career.

Sign Up for our R-Tips Newsletter! 👉


Data Science Testimonial Jennifer

Thanks to Matt and what I’ve learned so far, I was able to do an in-depth analysis of Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) data, following his Business Science Problem Framework and completing the project using RMarkdown. The polished, finished product impressed the hiring manager so much, he was willing to fast-track an offer.

Jennifer Cooper
VP Strategic Analytics
JP Morgan

Data Science Testimonial Hernan

The courses have an astonishing summarization of technologies, languages and approaches, all wrapped up and made as easy as possible. I was able to use the data science education to to build my own Shiny Apps portal as a portfolio. That was the key that helped me land a national research team position.

Hernán Escudero
Founder and Machine Learning Engineer

Data Science Testimonial Amit

I am extremely grateful to have found you and your courses last year. I used to feel imposter syndrome. When I first started working, my skills were lacking compared to others. Now, I feel like I belong and can take on any new challenge. I would not have my new job if it wasn't for you. In short, you have changed my life and the direction of my career.

Amit Rathore
Machine Learning Senior Associate

Become a 6-Figure Data Scientist

We've helped thousands of students become 6-figure data scientists.

Make 6-figures. Launch your career. And become a Data Scientist!

Start Your Classes Now! 👉