Hello former Webkinz owners! My name is Abby, and I have to admit I spent most of my elementary school evenings collecting pets and playing games on Webkinz.

So, after ten years, I decided to revisit my pets, and boy, do I have some thoughts. Without further ado, here we go!
1. The first thing I noticed was that my pets are STILL alive and well. How is this possible? They've been sleeping for several years without my care.

2. My house is SO big. I remember it being my prized possession, and I now understand why.

3. Eight-year-old me should be a home designer. Seriously, check out these rooms. A Halloween backyard? A Christmas room? YES.
4. I don’t remember my pets being this needy. The game gives you two minutes to fulfill your pets’ wishes and then they get all sad.

5. THERE ARE SO MANY PLACES TO GO. It’s no wonder I spent hours on here.

6. The arcade is full of so many iconic games. I’m still a boss at Cash Cow, and don’t you dare challenge me to a game of Candy Bash.

7. Who else went on Webkinz EVERY DAY to ensure your best chance at killing it at the Wheel of Wow and Wishing Well 2?

8. Spree! was great, but did anyone ever actually make it to the mall? Why did it take SO long?

9. And did anyone really fill their jars in Jumbleberry Fields? I feel like it’s a bit of a scam.

10. The most underrated games are Zacky’s Quest and Home Before Dark. I seriously recommend logging back on just to play them.
11. Since when is there a clothing store for your pets? Did I miss out on this when I used to play it?

12. Real talk: Arte from the Curio Shop is a bit creepy. Nevertheless, the Curio Shop was my favorite place to go.

13. Damn, I was so close to getting the Crown of Wonder! Too bad I stopped playing before I could actually find out what exactly it is.

14. I should really put working for the Employment Office on my resume, because that shit was hard work. And T. Von Meow low key has style — just look at that neckerchief.

15. TBH, even though Ms. Cowoline was super intimidating, the Kinzville Academy was a blast. If only real school was that fun.

16. During my visit, I played this game where you had to guess the number of jellybeans in a jar, and it was nearly impossible. Not to mention, Webkinz was sassy to me. How do little kids guess this correctly?

17. Next, I watched some of the old movies I made with the Webkinz Studio, and boy, did that bring back some memories.

18. Okay, listen up, because this is important: WHAT HAPPENED TO DR. QUACK? When I tried clicking on his clinic, it said he “retired." What does that even mean in the context of a computer game?!

19. I didn't spend lots of time at Quizzy’s Corner as a kid —probably because I didn’t want to do anything educational — but I tried it today and, I gotta be honest, some of the questions weren’t easy.

20. So many features were unavailable because I haven’t adopted a pet in over a year. Now I know why I was so obsessed with adopting Webkinz pets when I was younger.

21. Side note: does anyone remember this BOP?
View this video on YouTube
So iconic.
22. And finally, I have to let you all in on a secret: I planned to go on Webkinz for only a few minutes, but I actually played for at least a half hour. I swear, it’s still fun, even as an adult.