
I'm Not A Dog Person, But These 37 Hilarious Dog Names Just Made Me Spit Out My Water And Yell, "Awwwww!"
These names literally just converted me to an official dog lover.

Veterinarians Are Sharing The Tell-Tale Signs Your Dog Is Truly Happy
Spoiler alert: Tail-wagging isn't on the list.

My Boyfriend Told Me I Should Get Rid Of My Dog. I Got Rid Of Him Instead.
"He said he would try to make it work with Zoe, but couldn’t seem to stay in the house for more than one night with her in it. Within a week, it was clear that Zoe would never be welcome."

25 Dogs In Halloween Costumes That Just Might Make Your Whole Entire Day
Every dog in a costume is a winner, but here are just a few.

I'm SOOOO Sorry, But I'm Putting These Dog Breeds Head-To-Head And You Can Only Pick One
This is about to divide the internet!

15 Pissed Off People Who Have Beef With Both Pets And Pet Owners
"This isn't even my dog and I'm mad."

Pesto The Penguin Might Just Be Australia's Moo Deng And We Can't Deal With The Cuteness
Remember when SZA sang "I need a big boy, give me a big boy" on SNL? He's at Melbourne's SEA LIFE Aquarium.

Veterinarians Are Sharing The Biggest Early Warning Signs Of Cancer In Dogs
Don't dismiss these symptoms. Get your pet to the vet right away.

I Bet You Can't Get 10/14 On This Disney Dog Quiz
Let's see if you're on a first-name basis with these four-legged friends.

Veterinarians Are Sharing The Tell-Tale Signs Your Dog Is Truly Happy
Spoiler alert: Tail-wagging isn't on the list.

Experts Say This Is How To Tell Your Cat You Love Them In A Language They'll Understand
And it doesn't even involve treats.

If There Was A 'Pretty Privilege' In The Animal World, These Critters Would Be Getting All The Luxuries
Until we can talk to animals...we'll never know for sure.

Travel Around Europe And I'll Reveal Which Disney Dog You Are
Oh yes, an extensive trip to's a ruff life! 🦴

21 Animal Memes And Comics That Will Make You Say, "Same"
UwU reacts only 🥺

20 Photos Of Cute Animals Doing Jobs That Will Turn That Frown Upside Down
Working has never looked more wholesome.

Horse-Forced Landing Throws Plane Off-Course
Imagine being the owner of the horse that made an entire plane turn around mid-air.

These 13 Wholesome Nature Facts Will Definitely Make You Smile
Plants have siblings!


Choose Some Random Things And I'll Tell You Which Bird You're Most Like
You seem a little unpheasant and hawkward...but maybe knowing your true identity will help!

Equestrians Are Dishing The Worst-Kept Secrets Making The Gossip Rounds At Every Barn, And I Was Reading Some Of These With My Mouth Hanging Open
"You will definitely run into some of the most entitled people of your life."

I Used AI Technology To Morph 34 Animals Together To Create New Species, And Holy Crap
I never thought I'd see a "picken" in my lifetime, aka a pig and chicken hybrid.

Eight Of These Australian Snakes Are Extremely Venomous. Can You Pick The One That's Not?
I bet the cute one is actually the deadliest.

Only Aussies Can Guess Which Australian Animals These Are Based On A Close-Up Of Their Face
Hope you're ready for a cuteness overload.

The Foods You Eat In A Day Will Reveal Which Type Of Dog You Should Adopt
Just don't let the dog have chocolate.


Quentin Tarantino Says He Draws The Line On Violence When It Comes To Killing Real Animals And Insects Onscreen, But People Have Thoughts About His Real-Life Morals
"I have a big thing about killing animals in movies. That’s a bridge I can’t cross. Insects, too.”

"If An Alligator Is Chasing You, Run In A Zigzag," Plus 2 Other Terrible Survival Tips You Should Never Do
Why did I learn the opposite of all of these?

14 Wolf Facts You Should Definitely Consider If You Think It'd Be "Cool" To Have One As A Pet
"When the wolf grows up to be about a year old and it’s full grown, and they start experiencing all the challenges that are equal to a 3-year-old human toddler with really large teeth, they realize that they’re in over their head."

Everyone Has A Bug That Matches Their Personality And It’s Your Destiny To Find Out Yours
We're all just creepy crawlies.

19 Dogs Photographed As Puppies And Then Again As Seniors That Will Warm Your Heart
These then-and-now photos of dogs are SO cute.

Answer 6 Questions To Reveal If You're An Owl, A Bee, Or A Frog
They all fly...sort of.

You Are In A Gay Penguin Couple, And This Quiz Will Finally Tell You Which One
If you're currently sitting on a rock thinking it's an egg, you might be a gay penguin. 🏳️🌈🐧

It May Seem A Bit Fishy, But My 9 Question Quiz Gives You The Oppor-Tuna-ty To Reveal Your Gilled Twin
"Fish are friends, not food!" 🐠

Be "Fearless" And Take This Quiz To Learn Which Of Taylor Swift's Cats You Are
Just don't scratch me if you don't like your result.

23 Times Actors And Directors’ Actual Pets Appeared In Their Movies And TV Shows
Before Rocky made him rich and famous, Sylvester Stallone had to sell his beloved dog, Butkus, for $40 in order to afford food. However, after selling his iconic screenplay, he bought his best friend back for $15,000. He then cast Butkus as Rocky's dog in the movie.

Calling All Horse Girls: Can You Pass The Extra Hard Trivia Quiz?
Maybe she's barn with it...maybe it's neighbelline. 🐴

The Man Arrested For Stealing Two Monkeys Has Been Connected To Two Other Recent Crimes At The Dallas Zoo
The suspect has also been connected and charged for two other incidents at the zoo involving langur monkeys and a clouded leopard, authorities said on Friday.

A Dallas Zoo Clouded Leopard Disappeared For A Day And Social Media Users Turned It Into A Meme
As police deployed infrared drones and launched a criminal investigation, Twitter users shared their own search tactics, like shaking a bag of treats really hard.


The Dallas Zoo Has Located A Clouded Leopard That Had Gone Missing After Escaping Its Enclosure
"Initial indications are she is not injured," the zoo said in a statement to BuzzFeed News Friday afternoon. "She is being evaluated by our veterinary staff right now."

Pleeease Tell Me You'll Be Able To Pass This Moderately Easy Animal Facts Quiz
If you get excited to go to the zoo, this is for you.

Some Owners Are Experiencing Guilt And Resentment About Their Pandemic Pets
With return-to-work mandates, inflating costs, and animal behavioral issues, some owners have doubts.

Trade Places With A Cat For One Day To Reveal Which Feline Personality You Would Have
I'm sure you'll be a purrfect kitty!

Believe It Or Not, There's An Animal That Describes You To A T – Go Out To Dinner To Reveal Your Match
These aren't your average animals!

Jason Momoa Took Home A Wild Pig And Wants To Paint Its Nails, And That's The Most Jason Momoa Thing I've Ever Heard
"This is why I can’t work with animals. I want to bring them home. Wild and feral like his pops."

Did You Know We Can Guess Your Favorite Animal Based On Your Baby Name Choices?
You seem like a dog person to me!

Wanna Know Which Pet Is *Actually* Perfect For You? Just Design Your Ideal Home To Find Out
A house becomes a home when you have a pet to share it with.

27 Dogs Who Deserve An Award For Their Halloween Costumes
I'm already planning for another dog costume next year.

39 Dogs Who Have Stolen My Heart During The NYC Halloween Parade
These dogs really showed up.

Emmanuel The Emu Never Had Bird Flu
Photos of Emmanuel’s owner cuddling the bird had experts concerned about the illness spreading to humans, but it turns out he was just stressed.

Show Us Your Adorable Dog Costumes For Halloween
Halloween is here.

This Absolute Unit Has Been Crowned The Winner Of Fat Bear Week
After a week of voting, candidate 747 was declared the winner of Fat Bear Week, the annual online competition where the public votes on which bear in an Alaska national park has gained the most weight.

Here's How The Viral Fat Bear Week Happened, Blessing Us All
“I thought it would just be a quirky thing I did every year, but I did not expect it to be this worldwide event,” the founder of Fat Bear Week said.

19 Stories From People About How Much Their Dog Has Changed Their Lives
"It’s OK to rest, but it’s also OK to be weird and play.''

Spend A Day As A Frog And I'll Give You A Frog That Matches Your Vibe
These aren't your average frogs!

Tell Us What You've Learned From Taking Care Of A Dog
We want to know how their cute faces have taught you.

90 Kittens That Are So Cute They Are Definitely The Cat's Meow
These pictures are literally the cat's pajamas.

Eat An A-Z Feast And We'll Tell You Which Pet You Should Get
So much yumminess and cuteness in one quiz!

Brew A Magic Potion And I'll Reveal Your Familiar
I'm actually a witch, so I definitely know what I'm talking about!

107 Animal Facts That Might Change The Way You See Animals
You can never know too many random animal facts!

Eat An Absolutely Enormous Meal To Find Out Which Pet Is Perfect For You
Everyone needs a furry friend in their life.

A Beluga Whale That Was Stuck In The Seine River In France Has Died While Being Transported To A Saltwater Pool
First spotted in the Seine more than a week ago, the beluga rejected food and was severely underweight.

These Dogs Might Just Be Better At Surfing Than You Are
“It’s a big world, let your dog surf it.”

15 Good, Good, GOOOOOOD Things That Happened This Week
Mmmm, so GOOOOOOD!!!!!!!

21 Black Cats That Prove How Lucky We Are To Have Them
One crosses my path, I'm picking 'em up and snuggling them.

The Way You Answer These 7 Questions Will Reveal Which One Of My Dogs Your Personality Most Embodies
Maybe I'm biased, but I don't think there's a bad result on this quiz.

17 Very, Very, VERY Good And Wholesome Things That Happened This Week
"100000/10, a highly enjoyable read!" —You after reading this post, probably

Eel Pit Day Will Go Down In TikTok History, And Eel Pit Guy Told Us He Was As Amped About It As We Were
“My favorite eels are named Bathtub and Crunchwrap Supreme.”

Believe It Or Not, Everyone Is Exactly Like A Very Specific Kind Of Frog – Make A Salad To Reveal Your Match
It's not easy eating greens.

I Grew Up Living In Zoos And People Always Have A Lot Of Questions, So Here's My Story
No, my dad is not Matt Damon, and this is not We Bought a Zoo.

This Week Was Especially Tragic — Here Are 18 Little Slivers Of Light That Might Make You Feel Just A Tad Bit Better
We hope these make you smile. 🤍

17 Really, Really Good — Some Might Even Say GREAT — Things That Happened This Week
*wipes away tears* *scrolls through pics of baby animals*

Believe It Or Not, We Can Guess If You're A Dog Person Or A Cat Person Based On The Picnic You Plan
You're *definitely* one or the other!


23 Really, Really Good Things To Cheer You Up After A Hard Week
*Postmates dog pizza IMMEDIATELY*

Live Like A Frog For A Day And We'll Tell You If You Have What It Takes To Be A Frog
Oh, to be a frog on a lily pad...


Oddly Enough, Your Salad Preferences Will Reveal Which Dog Breed You Most Embody
We can't all be a golden retriever.


This Dog's Quinceañera Is The Dose Of Happiness We All Need Right Now
Protect Daisy at all costs!

Pick Out Your Favorite Overused Pet Names To Find Out Which Animal You Should Adopt In The Future
Everyone needs fuzzy bestie!

21 Dog Posts To Make Any Bad Day At Least, Like, 20% Better
*inhales* *scrolls through dog posts* *exhales*

Aussies Are Teaching The Rest Of The World About The Stuff That Really Frightens Them And It's Equal Parts Hilarious And Terrifying
It's not just snakes and spiders.

Here's Why You Haven't Noticed As Many Christmas Beetles During Summertime Compared To When You Were A Kid
I miss these Aussie critters.

It's True: Everyone Is Exactly Like One Farm Animal — Eat A Bunch Of Cheesy Foods To Reveal Your Match
You can’t make everyone happy. You’re not cheese.

We Know Exactly Which Avenger You Embody Solely Based On The Animals You Choose
Spider-Man probably loves dogs.

Everyone Has An Animal That Perfectly Matches Their Personality — Pick One Movie Per Group To Reveal Yours
There's an animal inside all of us!

Buy A Ton (And I Mean A TON) Of Snacks To Find Out Which Animal You Truly Embody
Unfortunately, you can only choose one treat per category...

Ever Wondered What Animal Is Your Personality Twin? Just Eat A Bunch Of Colorful Foods To Find Out
If you've ever wanted to learn your inner animal, you've come to the right place.

Grab Some Food At This Strawberry Buffet And I'll Tell You Which Animal You Are In Your Soul
I think you'll find this quiz to be...*berry* fun.

Grab Some Food At This Winter Buffet And We'll Tell You Which Winter Animal You Are In Your Soul
The weather outside is frightful, but the food is so delightful!

Only Someone Who Loves Dogs More Than People Can Identify 9/9 Of These Dog Breeds
I've said "good dog" about 9,000 times while writing this.