Over the Moon is an upcoming animated film from Netflix and Pearl Studio (Abominable) that follows the journey of a young girl, Fei Fei, who builds a rocket ship to the moon in order to prove the existence of a legendary Moon Goddess.
And here's your first look at the magical trailer:
Other than looking absolutely GORGEOUS, another reason you should be excited for Over the Moon is the fact that it's directed by Disney legend and animator Glen Keane.
...and newcomer Cathy Ang as hero character Fei Fei.
The impressive list of voice actors also includes singing powerhouses Ruthie Ann Miles, who won a Tony Award for her role in The King and I, and Phillipa Soo, who originated the role of Eliza Schuyler Hamilton in the smash hit Hamilton.
For a little background, Over the Moon was written by the late Audrey Wells (The Hate U Give), who sadly died in 2018. However, it was Wells' long-standing relationship with Oh — who'd acted in several of Wells' films prior to Over the Moon — that ultimately brought the Golden Globe and Emmy-winning star on board.
During a press event, producer Gennie Rim explained that she actually approached Oh after a memorial for Wells. Rim said:
I felt Audrey pulling me to find Sandra to be a part of this. I ran after her into the parking lot and stopped her car and said, 'Please, please, please, please be part of this.'
Oh continued, "I'm so grateful (Rim) stopped my car, because it was like Audrey saying, 'No, you did my first film. You need to do the last one.'"
Meanwhile, Cho said he was particularly drawn to the film because of the way it explores a positive, loving experience in an Asian family dynamic. He explained:
It's hard to find films that represent Asian culture, especially family dynamics, as something that's not oppressive or is attached to shame or filial piety or doing things that you don't want to do. This story is about an Asian family that is rooted in love. That's what gives it its heart. And I love that about this film.