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Señores y señoras, esto se está poniendo caliente.
É o lugar mais mágico da Terra! Claro que existem algumas ressalvas, um certo toma lá, dá cá.
¿Acaso existe un curso donde enseñen cómo entrar a Disney con todos estos accesorios?
¡Es el lugar más mágico del mundo! Pero déjanos advertirte de algunas cosas que serán de tu beneficio.
El ballet es totalmente metálico.
O balé é totalmente radical.
Eles foram propositais ou todos nós somos pervertidos? Um pouco da coluna A, um pouco da coluna B.
If only Isaac Asimov could see us now. There's an old saying that science fiction is really just predicting — or helping prevent — the future.
Because making terrible mistakes transcends fandoms.
Man, Hollywood needs a character name generator like nobody's business. I was just going to do "Fictional Johns" but that was the deepest rabbit hole I've ever seen. Who'd I leave out, guys?
That was one research trip down a very nostalgic rabbit hole. Waldo might be best remembered for causing kids to physically fight over books, but his empire stretched way beyond mere paper.
Sexy or ridiculous? Both? Both! Artist Paul Richmond turns popular "cheesecake" poses on their head with "Cheesecake Boys."
This is dedication. Is there a class to teach you how to smuggle this many props onto a Disney ride?
The gauntlet is thrown. Before friendship was magic, before Bronies, there was only Ponyville, population: ALL YOUR ALLOWANCE.
Oh fiddle dee dee. What better way to celebrate the 150th anniversary of the beginning of the Civil War then with the movie that taught us all that tomorrow is another day?
Repairo. REPAIRO! Nope, no amount of wizard magic can cover up these mistakes. And there are hundreds more over at Movie Mistakes.
Break out the popcorn and pocky. There are way too many anime sub-genres out there, so take this quiz to decide which one you should commit to.