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10 Ways You Didn't Know You Could Serve In The Peace Corps

You never know what unique experiences will arise when you're willing to be of service to the world. Apply to the Peace Corps and start your journey today!

1. Developing an app in Zambia.

Three PC volunteers in Zambia worked with a local technology hub to develop an app that would translate English words into one of Zambia's seven spoken languages, thus facilitating communication between volunteers, aid workers, and Zambian nationals.

So, helping make the world a better place? There's an app for that!

2. Building an outdoor gym in Costa Rica.

3. Working at a winery in Georgia.

Johnny served in Georgia (Eastern Europe) as a marketing consultant for a local winery and tourism company to help keep the traditions of Georgian wine-making alive and thriving. Once there, he also saw an opportunity to help develop the creation of two committees promoting youth development/community involvement, and information and communication technology.

Cheers to that!

4. Starting a handbag company in the Philippines.

While serving in the Philippines, Rachel helped form Bag-O Plastic with hundreds of Filipino women. The company collects plastic bags and crochets them into handbags that are sold for a profit. Since 2010, Bag-O has sold more than 4,000 purses and has helped generate income for the community as well as raise awareness about the environment, recycling, and climate change.

When life gives you plastic bags, make a handbag that helps the local economy and is good for the planet.

5. Launching an information hotline in Armenia.

Two PC volunteers developed an SMS information hotline in Armenia that would educate people about HIV/AIDS, a sensitive topic due to stigma and social taboo. Now, anyone can text their question anonymously and they'll receive an answer within 24 hours from an Armenian Red Cross volunteer. It's a crucial tool, especially in rural areas where HIV/AIDS education may not be readily available.

Now that's putting texting to good use!

6. Planting a community garden in Cambodia.

Westen was working at a community health center when he noticed that many children were underweight due to a lack of access to nutritious foods. He worked with community leaders to plant a garden and held a two-day workshop teaching families about nutrition and having a healthy diet.

Since then, the community has harvested and delivered more than 1,100 pounds of vegetables to 40 local families. Changing the world one garden at a time...

7. Using cosmetics to inspire girls to study science in Mozambique.

A PC volunteer in a small Mozambican village brought makeup to school to help teach his kids about the daily applications of chemistry. He piqued the interest of one particular student who started experimenting with making her own lipstick and went on to win best female project at a provincial science fair!

Today, teacher and student are working together to start a local science fair aimed at encouraging girls to get excited about science. And all it took was a little lipstick!

8. Hosting a radio show in Peru.

PC volunteers often host weekly radio programs to provide information on health, local news, and the environment to remote communities in Peru. Topics can range from education on HIV/AIDS or potable water to talking about the arts and local culture.

Ever fancied being a Peruvian radio star? ;)

9. Building a playground in Thailand.

10. Starting a special needs sports program in Paraguay.

During her service in Paraguay, Abbi started a sports program at the special needs organization where she volunteered. She worked with 11 students, many of whom had never participated in any kind of sport before! Some students went on to regional and national competitions, and even the World Games in Los Angeles!

At the end of her service, Abbi was invited to be a delegation liaison for the Paraguay team at the World Games, where she watched both her students win medals!

What fascinating opportunity awaits you? Apply to the Peace Corps and find out!