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    15 Themed Hotel Rooms That Are So Bizarre They're Actually Kinda Cool

    Who wouldn't want to sleep in Emerald City?!

    The coronavirus pandemic is still impacting travel, and destinations around the world have different COVID-19 restrictions in place. It’s important to check and adhere to local government policies as you're planning any future trips.

    1. The Roxbury – Roxbury, New York

    A coconut cream pie–themed hotel room with a ceiling that looks like meringue and a circular yellow bed

    2. FlopHouze – Round Top, Texas

    A small rectangular lounge room with huge windows looking out on a green field

    3. Victorian Mansion at Los Alamos – California

    A neon-lit hotel room with a bed shaped like a car

    4. Madonna Inn – San Luis Obispo, California

    A hotel dining room with bright pink booths and chandeliers

    5. Carlton Arms – New York, New York

    A dark hotel room with a life-size statue, a mural that reads "Live fast. Die young,' and some unique furniture

    6. McMenamins Kennedy School – Portland, Oregon

    A hotel room with big paned windows, and children's drawings painted on the walls

    7. The Inn at Christmas Place – Pigeon Forge, Tennessee

    A fireplace covered in Christmas decorations

    8. The Curtis — Denver, Colorado

    A hotel lobby with a sign that says "Unpack the unexpected," an armchair made from an old car, fairy lights, and colorful walls

    9. Legoland Resort – Winter Haven, Florida

    A hotel that looks like it's made from Lego, with two Lego characters in the foreground

    10. The Liberty – Boston, Massachussetts

    A hotel bar with low lighting, brick walls, steel bars, and an open jail cell

    11. Adventure Suites – North Conway, New Hampshire

    A hotel room that looks underground, with rough white walls, a pebbled floor, a fireplace, and fossils as decorations

    12. Black Swan Inn – Pocatello, Idaho

    A hotel room where one wall is fake rock and the others are covered in a jungle mural

    13. 21c Museum Hotel – Cincinnati, Ohio

    A sleek modern hotel lobby with angular furniture and art on the walls

    14. Chateau Avalon – Kansas City, Kansas

    A room made to look like an old English castle with a fake drawbridge, a bathtub that looks like a boat, and fake wine barrels

    15. Red Caboose Motel & Restaurant — Pennsylvania

    Exterior of an old-fashioned train carriage converted into a motel suite