Navy Family Ombudsmen are valuable assets in facilitating communication between command leadership and family members, fostering a better understanding of the needs and viewpoints of the command staff members and their families. U.S. Naval Forces Europe-Africa/U.S. 6th Fleet is fortunate to have an Ombudsman team that provides information and assistance to all members assigned to the command and their family members. Please see the below message from our team!

"An Ombudsman is an appointed representative of the commanding officer that serves as an
information link between command leadership and the command's families."
We are an official command representative and a point of contact for family members connected to CNE-CNA/C6F. As Ombudsmen, we help the commanding officer gain insight on the pulse of family members and issues of concern. We disseminate information both up and down the chain of command, including official Navy and command information. We can provide resource referrals when needed that are instrumental in resolving family issues before they require extensive command attention.
Remember: Family Readiness = Mission Readiness!
What we CAN do:
We act as an advocate for the command families using knowledge of the system. We provide access tot he appropriate level of the chain of command for necessary intervention, forward grievances or suitable requests, and assist during a crisis or disaster all while maintaining strict confidentiality.
Below are a few examples of when to call your Ombudsman team:
Resource and referral Red Cross messages
Death in the family Financial matters
At-risk pregnancy Birth in the family
Hospitalization POC during crisis or disaster
What we DON'T do:
We are not mediators, and we do NOT get involved in chain of command matters. We are NOT counselors, social workers, or a babysitting service, but we do know where you can find one.
While it is part of the Ombudsman Code of Ethics to maintain confidentiality, there are five instances that require immediate action and MUST be reported to the commanding officer:
1. All known or suspected child abuse/neglect
2. Known or alleged domestic abuse
3. Suspected/potential homicides, violence, or life-endangering situations for yourself or others
4. All suspected/potential suicide risks
5. All alleged sexual assaults
The Ombudsman team is a vital link between the command and its families. In broader terms, the CNE-CNA/C6F family is made up of all active duty and selected reserve service members, including single and married service members, their family members, the service member's parents, siblings, and others at the discretion of the commanding officer, as well as civilians, staff, and personnel of different service branches attached to CNE-CNA/C6F.
We have received extensive training, allowing us to assist families in times of crisis and emergency. We can direct you in your course of action and contact the command if necessary or in case of emergency.
We can be reached via phone and e-mail, both of which are listed below. If you are new to the command, WELCOME ABOARD! Please contact your Ombudsman team so we can add you to our Ombudsman recall roster. This will enable you to receive command updates and other information of importance to our families. If you have been here for a while and are not receiving information from us via e-mail or through social media, please contact us so we can update our records.
We hope you enjoy your tour with CNE-CNA/C6F! If we can ever be of assistance to you or your family, do not hesitate to call.
Don't wait for an emergency to get to know your Ombudsmen!
Mrs. Lauren Weigand and Mrs. Loura Cote
Cell: +39-335-777-0043