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Create 3D dxf

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I wish to create a 3D dxf file, projecting a 2D dxf file created in AutoCAD 2009, on a surface created in Inventor, and save the result as 3D dxf.

The 2D dxf is a polyline.

The surface is created with the "Revolve" command, from a sketch.

Can You help me please, I can't solve it.






Attach the ipt and dwg file here.

Exaclty what problem are you having in doing this projection and saving as dxf?

Attach the ipt and dwg file here.

Exaclty what problem are you having in doing this projection and saving as dxf?

There they are. The drawing of the seed of life, what I wish to project to the spherical surface ( it's gonna be a medalion, and the 3d dxf of the seed will be engraved on. The engraving machine needs a 3d dxf. )

What should I make next ?




Why are you doing this as a surface body rather than as a solid?

Won't it be a solid in the real world?

Why did you not use obvious symmetry about the origin? I noticed that your sketches are not constrained or dimensioned.

Who is going to manufacture this? Do they only need the path - or do they need the finished geometry?

I suspect you will want to create a 3D sketch and project the spherical surface.

Then sweep cutting profile.


Project Sketch.png


OK, let's take it from the very beginnings ...

I have a rough stock medalion, with this surface.

I wish to engrave on the surface of the medalion the "seed of life", which is the drawing I posted in dxf.

As a result,all I need is that drawing, but not in 2D, i need it in a 3D form, a 3D dxf, because my engraving machine needs to be "feeded" with it, to engrave it on the spherical surface of the medalion.

Do you mean something like this?


Yes, exactly that is what I mean ! How it's made ?



Do you mean something like this?


SEANT, for God's sake, how did You export it as dxf ??? :shock:

I can project it in Inventor as 3D sketch, but I don't know how to export it ?


Oops, I forgot about this post.




Actually, I used AutoCAD instead of Inventor. I’m not sure how Inventor would go about the projection; it is quite possible that the procedure would produce Spline/Ellipses. If that were the case then a 3d dxf would likely facet the curves to many small line segments.




What I did in AutoCAD was to set center circle based on the domes sphere radius. From a front view I then rotated that circle (with Copy, and Reference option set) based on the sphere center and Quadrant of center circle.




This gave me another circle that sat completely on the sphere, but with the appropriate Normal(Extrusion Direction). Back in the top view (WCS), that new circle was Polar Arrayed around the original circle's center.

Save as DXF.

Oops, I forgot about this post.


Thanks, as a matter of fact, this is a another method to create it.

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