Buying a camera can be scary!
We're going to help you understand what all those camera specs and features mean, so that you can make an informed decision!
(in plain English!)
Top Camera Tips

22 Most Important Parts of a Camera (Names and What They Do!)
I picked up my lovely Canon EOS 5D Mark III DSLR camera and counted camera parts names. There are 35 different buttons I can press or actions I can take without lifting my hands off the camera. That’s not including using some of those to open up the menus of several hundred items. It can […]
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17 Travel Photography Tips for Awesome Photos of Your Trip
Our article takes you through some basic travel photography tips to take your best travel photos. If the travel bug bites you, and you want to capture your adventures with photography, this is the guide to bookmark. We’ll cover planning, camera equipment, shooting techniques, taking portraits, and more. So whether you’re a beginner or an […]
Read article >Where to Find Camera Manuals Online (Best Links for Manuals)
Here, we list all the camera manuals you need—for both digital and analog cameras. Perhaps you’re a seasoned photographer exploring a new camera. Or, maybe you’re a beginner eager to grasp the basics. Either way, access to a comprehensive camera manual is invaluable. Remember when you opened your camera box and threw those paper booklets aside? […]
Read article >Cropping in Photography (Tips and Techniques for Beginners)
Cropping in photography is a powerful technique. A good crop can transform a good image into a visually compelling masterpiece. As you embark on your creative journey, understanding the basics of cropping becomes a crucial skill set. It’s not merely about trimming excess edges. It’s about refining your composition. You want to emphasize focal points […]
Read article >How to Take Atmospheric Mist and Fog Photography
If you want one sure way to make your landscape photos stand out, it is to photograph them in mist or fog. As the sun rises, the foggy landscape transforms into an atmospheric and surreal setting. The potential for a great photo is there! But it takes the right knowledge to make fog photography work. […]
Read article >Rolling Shutter (What Is It, How to Avoid, How to Fix It!)
If your camera has a CMOS sensor, you might get distortion from “rolling shutter effect.” It can affect both still photos and video, and it’s a common problem. Here’s our quick guide to understanding what it is and how to prevent it or fix it in post-processing. What Is a Rolling Shutter? A “rolling” shutter” […]
Read article >99 Best Photography Quotes to Inspire You
Photography is much more than pressing a button. It’s an art form, a mode of expression, and a profound way of seeing the world. Just as every picture speaks a thousand words, the words of master photographers can offer a window into the depths of their craft. The medium of photography has inspired many quotes […]
Read article >11 Best Indoor Photography Settings (Without Flash!)
Here’s a quick guide to all the key indoor photography settings with a camera. Modern cameras are complicated devices. So it’s not just about the aperture, shutter speed, and ISO anymore. You might want to take indoor photos without an external flash for many reasons. For example, you might do product photography, portraits, or real […]
Read article >14 Types of Camera Lenses (Important Basics for Beginners!)
There are so many types of camera lenses that it’s easy to get confused. Do you know the difference between a tilt-shift lens and a macro lens? Or a kit lens and a telephoto lens? Almost everything in photography involves trade-offs, of course. But this guide will explain all the lens types so you can […]
Read article >How to Use a Camera Histogram (Beginners’ Guide to Better Photos!)
A useful tool you can use as a photographer is the camera histogram. But what is it, and how can it help your photography? Taking photos can be very complicated with modern digital cameras. They have lots of buttons and dials. And displays like a histogram can be hard to understand! Our brief self-help article […]
Read article >10 Essential Camera Angles in Photography (Get it Right!)
Most beginners and casual photographers take camera shots from where they happen to be standing. That’s fine if you just want a record shot. This works if it’s a group of friends at a party or a nice view of the countryside. But there are many different angles in photography that all have an impact. […]
Read article >10 Best Places to Sell Used Camera Gear (+ Seller Tips!)
Do you have photography equipment you no longer need (or never should’ve bought in the first place!)? Read on to find out the best place to sell used camera gear. My hall cupboard is where my photography equipment goes to die. They all sit in the dark, just waiting to be sold off! There’s the […]
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