Great Pond Community Boat Program launches - Reserve your time now

The Cape Elizabeth Conservation Committee has launched a pilot program this year to make a canoe available at Great Pond. The canoe is outfitted with 2 adult life preservers, 1 child life preserver, 2 oars and a locking cable.  The canoe can be borrowed at no cost by calling the ACP Office, 799-0115, during office hours to reserve a time.

The Great Pond Boat Racks are located on an easement held by the Town of Cape Elizabeth on land owned by the Sprague Corporation. The Boat Rack program is managed by the Conservation Committee as part of the town greenbelt. Each spring, residents can submit an application for a boat rack slot. Typically, 130+ applications are submitted annually for 32 precious slots which are assigned by lottery. 

This year, the Conservation Committee is offering the community boat program to broaden access to Great Pond. Boat rack storage is allowed until the first Saturday in December, so plan your outing on the “community boat” and call to reserve your time (799-0115).

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