You worked hard for years to build a successful career (that some people envy) yet now you’re wondering “Why am I doing all of this?”
As your kids are leaving home, you’re wondering “Who am I if I’m not raising kids? What am I going to do with the rest of my life?”
You feel disconnected from your Inner Self and your inner guidance.
You’re feeling called to do something creative or service-oriented, but you’re not sure what or how. Maybe write a book or explore art or photography.
All those things you stopped doing years ago when you had to focus on your career and family.
But you lack clarity about what to do… and so, you lack courage & confidence to try anything new, even though you were confident in all of your previous life roles!
You’re frustrated by this sudden lack of confidence! It doesn’t help that your hormones are out of whack and you’re beginning to feel ‘invisible’
You recognize that you’re playing small and you really want to play big… about your passion/legacy work, about following your soul longings.
You’re beginning to feel regret about wasting your talents and not living your highest soul-expansion life. Not following your passions.
Maybe not even figuring out what they are!
But you can’t talk about this with anyone… because to everyone else, you’re living the perfect life.
You certainly can’t discuss it at work. You have to be strong and ‘tough’ there. Even your sympathetic friends won’t really understand your sudden need for soul searching. At this age, you’re supposed to have that all figured out.
If you’re honest, you’re beginning to feel a little crazy.

Hi there. I’m Cara.
I know what it feels like to be in that place… soul-searching and dissatisfied with what was supposed to be my ‘perfect’ life.
I was 49 years old, on the fast track in my career when suddenly everything I’d worked so hard for began to feel hollow & empty. What was I doing all of this for? Working crazy hours, defending policies I didn’t believe in, living behind a mask.
I left that job and embarked on a journey to reconnect to my soul, rediscover my creative passions, and reinvent my career doing authentic, soul-centered work.
Here’s what I learned along the way. It was not easy. It was a huge leap into a world that was new to me. From employee to entrepreneur. From status quo to creative, writer, coach.
But I also learned that I was not alone. There are so many women over 50 who feel they have cheated themselves from their soul-longings. And even though they feel they are about to ‘rediscover’ themselves, they realize, after several years, that it won’t happen without deliberate action on their part. It won’t happen without a support network of like-minded, heart-centered, spiritual-seeking women.
As I connected with these women, THIS became my mission. To help women over 50 going through this spiritual awakening, this huge life transformation, to make sense of it. Because I truly believe that if you have found me and this community, it’s because you already know you are being called, as a woman over 50, to step fully into your highest expansion and BE the wise woman, the empowered woman, that this world needs you to be!
Let’s do this together.
We can chat for 20 minutes or so. I can answer any questions you have about coaching, how it can help YOU based on what you want to achieve, and get a sense of what working with me will be like.