YOU give meaning to your flaws.

Most of us feel “flawed” in certain areas and particular times in our lives. Many of our goals, desires, and even motivation to change, often come from a deep insecurity within us. We often think, “If I could just fix what is wrong with me, then everything will be ok.”

You may fixate on certain aspects of your body, appearance, personality, sensitivity, intelligence, upbringing, or behaviors. Keep in mind, however, these “flaws” are based on YOUR interpretation and perception. YOU give meaning to them. These negative connotations steal your energy, passion, happiness, confidence… your life. This can have devastating consequences if you’re not conscious about it, and lead you to make very poor choices in life.

Whether the flaws that trouble you are emotional, mental or physical, the key to overcoming them is identifying them and learning how to accept them. Therapy teaches you this process. If your flaw is something you cannot (or will not) change, acceptance is the only option for truly loving yourself (all of yourself). Remember that improving yourself is a gradual and constant work-in-progress.

Tell me your story.


(817) 946-1620 | [email protected] | Licensed Online Therapy and Counseling