General terms and Conditions for the site

The terms beginning with a capital letter are defined in the glossary of the general terms of use of the site.


  • 1.1 Preamble
  • 1.2 Glossary
  • 1.3 Setting up a Personal Account
  • 1.4 Restricted access for people under 18
  • 1.5 Commitments of the user relative to information provided 
  • 1.6 Liability limitation 
  • 1.7 Website advertisement and sponsor
  • 1.8 Hypertext links
  • 1.9 Copyright and intellectual property
  • 1.10 Trademarks
  • 1.11 Forum, chat, comments and reviews
  • 1.12 Flag an abuse
  • 1.13 No waiver to the application of a provision 
  • 1.14 Applicable law
  • 1.15 Jurisdiction
  • 2.1 Personal information collected 
  • 2.2 Rectification of Personal Information collected
  • 2.3 CNIL Declaration
  • 2.4 Cookies
  • 2.5 Suggestions
  • 2.6 Account Termination
  • 2.7 Date of the latest update


1.1 Preamble is a search engine suggested by the company HOTEL CASINO RESORT that offers to users a participatory guide of land-based casinos.
In this way, CasinosAvenue provides to its users a service which helps them to put online and store reviews, comments, appreciations and other information in a community approach. enables to its user, to benefit from special promotions or offers proposed by land-based casinos referenced on the website. All businesses don't offer special promotion or offer. The validity conditions of these promotions depend on each establishment. 
Use of the implies automatic and unconditional acceptance by the User of all the present terms of use and an undertaking to respect them.
HOTEL CASINO RESORT reserves the right to modify the present terms of use at any time, without prior notice or compensation. Reconnection and continued use of the site implies automatic reacceptance of the terms of use and compliance therewith. Consequently, it is the User's responsibility to make himself aware of any updates to these terms each time he connects to the site
In case of disagreement with changes to the general terms of use, the user will have to stop using the services of the website
These terms of use include exclusions from guarantee and limitations of liability of which the User declares he is aware.
Terms of Use and Legal Mentions are complementary and should be considered as one entire document.

1.2 Glossary

The words below, with the first letter capitalized, will be defined as follows in this document:
Personal Account: Pseudonym, confidential code, areas and functionalities allocated to the User after registering on the site by completing an online form.
Personal information: information that in any way whatsoever, directly or otherwise, allows the natural persons to whom it applies to be identified (article 2 of law no. 78-17 of 6th January 1978). In the context of this document, these provisions also apply to a corporation or any other legal entity. This includes the IP address of the User.
Complementary Personal Information: name, surname, address, age and email address of the User.
French Regulation: Regulation (law and all regulatory framework) in force in France.
User: Internet surfer connecting to and/or using the Internet site User can be registered or not.
Registered User: User who has opened a Personal Account.

1.3 Setting up a Personal Account

To obtain the widest services provided by, Users must register on the site by opening a Personal Account and meeting the terms set out above.
Users may not register on behalf of third parties.
Registration is strictly personal to each Registered User.
If a User fails to comply with one of the provisions of this document, reserves the right to cancel the Personal Account of that User Member without notice.

The user admits to be the inky one to maintain confidential his username and his password he needs to use the website services.
Information provided during the subscription must be true, otherwise the user's subscription will be cancelled or not submitted by CasinosAvenue.
Also, when subscribing, the user accepts that CasinosAvenue contacts him again by mail and/or phone in order to check and/or update personal information provided relating to him. He also accepts to regularly update these information so that they keep being complete and accurate.

1.4 Restricted access to people under 18

Considering the services and products proposed by, people under 18 are not allowed to use

1.5 Commitments of the user relative to information provided 

In the case the user is required to provide information, he is committed to : 

  • provide real, accurate information which will be up to date at the time of their seizure in the registration form to the service, and especially make sure not to use false names or addresses, or else names and addresses without being allowed to.
  • keep the registration data up to date in order to assure they are real, accurate and up to date.
  • not to make available or to broadcast illegal information (such as information or defamatory statements, dirty, violent, racist or more generally inconsistent to the French legislation, to rights of individuals and to good morals) or else harmful (like virus) or illegal like works on which the user doesn't have the rights to diffuse, to copy or to represent (counterfeiting threat). In case of violation of these provisions, HOTEL CASINO RESORT will be empowered to suspend or terminate the user's access to the services to the exclusive faults of this one.

1.6 Liability limitation 

HOTEL CASINO RESORT puts at the disposal of the users tools helping them to release their own contents, under their only and full responsibility.
The Website based on the principles of the users free participation and the freedom of speech, in order to propose objective opinions about the casinos, it is said that all the opinions on the site are published in an independent way. 
HOTEL CASINO RESORT doesn't proceed to any claim and doesn't make any engagement concerning the behavior of third parties, like businesses or advertisers mentioned on the website or the website's users. Also, HOTEL CASINO RESORT mustn't be held responsible for any loss or any damage which can result from their actions or omissions, if you have a bad experience of one of the businesses or advertisers put in the website.
Your purchase and use of the products or services offered by the third parties through the website are up to you and at your own risk. 
HOTEL CASINO RESORT refuses any guarantee, explicit or implicit, including guarantees relative to products or services offered by the trades appearing on the site and the implicit warranties of merchantability and ability at a particular use. Any oral or written information provided to you by HOTEL CASINO RESORT must not be considered as a representation or a guarantee. 
The only rights and appeals you have in an exclusive way in case you are not satisfied with the website, the services offered or with any other discontent are the termination and the interruption of your access to the website or to its use.
HOTEL CASINO RESORT is not responsible for comments judged inconsistent to the law, which would harm the image of an establishment or any other user of the site.

1.7 Website advertisement and sponsor

The site may contain advertising. In no circumstances can HOTEL CASINO RESORT be held responsible either for the advertising content or for the consequences of any contractual relationship between the User of the site and the person who disseminated the advertising.

1.8 Hypertext links

A User who is redirected to a third party's Internet page by a hypertext link on the site acknowledges that HOTEL CASINO RESORT has no control over the content of the sites to which he is redirected. Consequently, HOTEL CASINO RESORT can in no circumstances be held responsible for any direct or indirect damage resulting from the use of sites that can be accessed via hypertext links in the site.
If the user realizes that there is an illegal content, he will let know et commits to not bring proceedings about it.

1.9 Copyright and intellectual property

All elements of the site (directory structures, formatting, programming, etc.) apart from specific disclosure are the exclusive intellectual property of HOTEL CASINO RESORT and of its partners.
Accordingly, they must not be represented, reproduced, embedded, disseminated or broadcast, wholly or in part, in accordance with the provisions of article L.122-4 of the French code of the intellectual property. Any person who does so and who cannot provide evidence of prior, express authorization from the holder of these rights incurs the penalties for infringement provided for in articles L.335-2 and following of the French code of the intellectual property.
Any authorized copy of any element of the website should disclose "Copyright all right reserved".

1.10 Trademarks

Marks and logos found on are registered by HOTEL CASINO RESORT or one of its partners. Accordingly, any person who represents, reproduces, embeds, disseminates or broadcasts them incurs the penalties provided for in articles L.713-2 and following of the French code of the intellectual property

1.11 Forum, chat, comments and reviews

HOTEL CASINO RESORT houses on its site contents edited by users having an account which permits them to create new contents or exchange and discuss about the present contents.
HOTEL CASINO RESORT doesn't control any of these contents as it doesn't have and cannot put in place human resources and material means that the amount of contents to check requires.
The user is informed that its review may be suppressed if he doesn't respect the "conditions for publication of reviews” mentioned below: 

  • if HOTEL CASINO RESORT thinks that its civil or criminal liability can be engaged 
  • if the text content has random characters or series of senseless words.
  • if the content (text, sheet, image...) doesn't have anything to do with the subject;
  • if the characteristics of the review have concrete proof of conflicts of interests;
  • if the text content is badly written at a point to be understandable ;
  • if a user makes an inappropriate comment about an other content or about its author;
  • if the text content has a credit card number, social security, bank account or any other information likely to result in an identity theft.
  • if the text content has an appeal to a lawsuit.
  • if the text content is clearly a spam.
  • if there are no information about the descriptive elements of the consumption experience. 
  • if the content harms the intellectual property rights of CasinosAvenue or a third party.
  • if the content harms rights to personality of a third party and particularly to the private life, the secrecy of correspondences, the honor or the consideration (defamation, insults, bashing, etc.)
  • if the content harms the provisions relative to the protection of private data; 
  • if the content harms the integrity of computer resources and in particular the data of CasinosAvenue's or a third party.
  • if the content harms the interests of CasinosAvenue or a third party;
  • if the content is racist, violent or X-rated, inconsistent with the respect of the individual and of its dignity, as well as the protections of minors, and more generally harming the law, the good morals or the public order.

HOTEL CASINO RESORT reserves the right to cancel your subscription, without notice, without legal formality and without compensations. HOTEL CASINO RESORT can't be held responsible with respect to the user or a third party for the termination of the user account.
Any content published on the website is necessarily public, so each person having an Internet connection is likely to see it. Thus, every user expresses him/herself on the website under his/her own responsibility, according to the current acts and rules. Any review published on the website is confirmed by the user who is the author as resulting from his/her own consumer experience.
You confirm being the unique responsible for the messages content and for all their consequences towards the third parties.
By publishing a review your confirm: 

  • that this review reflect your personal experience and your own opinion.
  • that you don't have any professional or personal, direct or indirect link, with this establishment, its owner, its manager or one of its employees.
  • that you are not responsible, employee or linked to a rival establishment.
  • that you haven't received any payment from an establishment in order to publish this review. 

For information: the article 121- 1 of the French Consumer Code prohibits the publication of fake reviews which is considered as a deceptive commercial practice as it leads to convey a fake image (good or bad) of an establishment. Anyone doing this kind of practices are subject to serious criminal penalties, Art L121-6 of the consumption code, a 2 years imprisonment and 37,000€ fine or 50% of the advertisement expenses or of the crime practice.
The user accepts that all the information correspondences and/or communication and/or broadcast occurring with HOTEL CASINO RESORT electronically are alleged to have the same power as a written on paper.
You allow HOTEL CASINO RESORT to publish, without fees, any all or part of your reviews, as if they were part of the public property, on its website but also on any base known or not yet, including especially the possibility to use them commercially or to publish them on partner websites.
The user who has published a review can demand the suppression of this review at the following address: [email protected]
The user is informed that he/she can be contacted by HOTEL CASINO RESORT to check the authenticity of his/her notice, by email and/or by phone. 

1.12 Flag an abuse 

The user can demand the verification of a comment by clicking on the button “Report abuse”, visible below every publication or by contacting [email protected].
The one who wants to flag an abuse will have to indicate:

  • if he/she is a physical person : his /her name and his/her email address ; 
  • if he/she is a legal person : its name and address, its email and precise within the accompanying message of the following information : its legal form, its company name, its head office address and the indication of the authority representing it legally ;
  • the reasons why the content should be removed, mentioning the facts and the legal provisions ;
  • the reference of the contested passages ;

Once you followed this process, HOTEL CASINO RESORT will make its possible to remove the illegal content as soon as possible.
The user is informed that incomplete notifications cannot be considered as effective, that it is up to HOTEL CASINO RESORT to judge the illicit character of the denounced content and that any abusive notification engages the responsibility of its author and is punishable in application of the article 6-1-4 of the law n°2004-575 of the 06-21-2004 for the trust in the digital economy, to a detention of one year and a fine of €15,000.

1.13 No waiver to the application of a provision 

The no waiver of a provision of any legal sheet published by the website doesn't cancel the waiver of the website to apply the clause in the future. 

1.14 Applicable law

The relations that bind HOTEL CASINO RESORT and the user, which are mainly governed by these general conditions, are subject to French law, to the exclusion of any other state legislation. If these general conditions are drawn up in several languages or translated, only the French version shall have legal force.

1.15 Jurisdiction

Any dispute and/or difficulty in the construction or performance of these general conditions shall be brought before the relevant courts of the city of Saint-Cloud (France).


2.1 Personal information collected 

In France, personal data is protected by law no. 78-87 of 6th January 1978, by law no. 2004-801 of 6th August 2004, by article L.226-13 of the Penal Code and by the European Directive n° 95/46/CE of 24th October 1995, in particular.
When using the site, the following data in particular may be collected (Non Personal Data):

  • Internet URL address of links via which the User accessed the site
  • User’s Internet service provider.

The User’s Internet Protocol (IP) address may also be collected, which is considered as Personal Information in particular by the CNIL.
HOTEL CASINO RESORT may also receive Complementary Personal Information related to the User, such as name, e-mail address and telephone contact details, particularly in the context of e-mail exchanges.

The User provides this information in full knowledge of the matter, particularly if he input it himself. If information is collected via a form, the User of the site will be told whether or not the information he provides is mandatory.
A User who identifies himself may ask HOTEL CASINO RESORT at e-mail address [email protected] :

  • to check personal data about him that has been collected by or on its behalf;
  • for information concerning the purposes for which this data will be used;
  • for information concerning the identity and geographical jurisdiction of recipients of this data;
  • a copy of this data issued free of charge, provided that such a request is not unreasonable, particularly by being repeated or disproportionate.

No personal information relating to Users of the site is:

  • collected without the User’s knowledge
  • published without the User’s knowledge

Personal information collected by may be exchanged, transferred, made over or sold on any medium to third parties if, in accordance with the regulation stated by the CNIL. is authorized to carry out studies and statistical analyses on the use and typology of Users of the site, subject to confirmation that these Users will be anonymous.

2.2 Rectification of Personal Information collected

Under article 40 of law no. 78-17 of 6th January 1978 amended by law no. 2004-801 of 6th August 2004, the User has the right to amend Personal Information collected about him. If he wishes to do this, he should send to HOTEL CASINO RESORT:

  • an e-mail to [email protected] 
  • a letter to 18 rue Gounod, 92210, Saint-Cloud, France 

giving his name or company name, physical and/or electronic contact details and, if applicable, any reference details he may have as a member of the site
The amendment will be made within a reasonable period from receipt of the User’s request.

2.3 CNIL statement 

Collecting Personal Information and Complementary Personal Information related to its Users, has received from the CNIL the following declaration number: 1848700.

2.4 Cookies

A “cookie” allows the User to be identified, personalizes his use of the site and speeds up site formatting by recording a small data file on his computer.
The User acknowledges that he has been informed of this practice, which he authorizes HOTEL CASINO RESORT to carry out.
HOTEL CASINO RESORT agrees not to communicate the content of these “cookies” at any time to third parties, unless required to under the law.
The User may configure his browser to give prior warning before accepting “cookies”. To do this, the User should change the parameters of his browser using the Tools menu in its Internet browser.

2.5 Observations and suggestions

User may send suggestions to HOTEL CASINO RESORT using the email address [email protected].

2.6 Account termination 

The user can terminate his account by sending us an email to the following address [email protected].
The owner of an establishment can at any time require the suppression of his trade listing on the website by sending us an email to this address [email protected]

2.7 Date of the latest update

The latest update of this privacy policy and the use conditions are as of the 05-16-2015. 
